i had quite a nice day today.
i've been avoiding my aunt all day just for my own sake.
1st of all was school, usually Friday is the day of fun.
i dont do anything that makes me stress or anything, even in school.
like honestly, i really dont listen to much of the things the teacher say in class.
even if i listened, i'll forget them once i reach home, i'll only rmb the things i'm interested in.
so our malay teacher didnt come today, so we had 1 hour's time to finish our homework and start chatting away.
HweeSing came over to my place and i told her that i brought my black nail polish for her.
and she wanted to try them on straight away.
so we started doing our nails. i also helped YoongKang do his pinkie finger.
to me, guys who put nail polishes on are gay. but i know YoongKang isnt. or is he??? *laughs*
HweeSing was so funny. we kept giggling.
then something bad had to happen. *sigh*
i dont want to talk about it. that damn annoying teacher.
so i went to Susann's house from school.
we were supposed to gather tgt today, but HweeSing couldnt come, HueyYing had no transport, so we canceled it.
but i couldnt go home, coz i had no transport back.
so i stayed and watch drama series with S.
then we started doing her Paris puzzle. it was quite hard, but if you have the patients, you'll definitely finish it.
but we didnt finish it, we were so tired of doing it.
so we started to do our nails.
i did my fingers black and my toenails bright pink. but i washed away the black once i reached home.
then in the mean time, we talked about our holiday.
we were so excited about it, we couldnt wait to find some info about it, so we went online to check prices and stuff. we were so happy but the only thing to worry about was $$$. *sigh*
but then S's dad sent me home at about 6pm.
when i reached home, just like the last few days, scolded by my aunt.
she was like, "why are you so late?"
i really wanted to say, who do you think you are? my mother? even my mum doesnt care of this.
so i just said," i didnt have the transport to come back home. mummy couldnt go fetch me."
i'm so happy that she doesnt know where S's house is, or else i'm sure she'll want me to walk home.
but she just doesnt understand how dangerous M'sia is. once you walked out of your house, ppl will have the chance the kidnap you or robbed you, even though you have nothing valueble on you. ppl are sick here. she needs to know that this isnt England.
and i just walked to my room, i didnt even care to change coz i know i'll be going out again.
then i went straight to the piano, that's the only place she wont disturb me.
i played as long as i could.
and she and my uncle went to buy a new fridge for my house, coz the old one was spolied ytd, my cheese and chocs all melted. and the food all went bad. lucikly the ice-cream was still fine. or else i'll be pissed.
but i wanted to open and take a look in the fridge when i got home, but she scolded me and push my hand away from the fridge!
i was like, *&@$#!!!!
she was like, " coz of you guys keep opening the fridge all the time, thats why the old one got spoiled!"
i was like, " for crying out loud! the old fridge was almost 17 years old! how do you expect a fridge like that to last that long!"
i really dont want to talk about it anymore, but the new fridge is really huge compared to the old one, and it's really expensive.
went for church practice.
jiejie told me plan B for my situation with my trials.
she said i would have to go alone.
when i heard that, i was really shocked.
i was so scared at that instance, i was like, What??? Alone??? from J.B to Labuan??? are you kidding me???
i knew i could do it, but i was scared. and if i get lost or something bad happened, i'll be crying like hell.
i hope Plan A works. Amy gave me some hope when she told me one of her bro's friend also had the same situation as me and he/she got to take the test earlier.
now i only can PRAY HARD!!!!
i'm really tired now. but i'm happy coz i had a really good hair day.
tmr i still need to wake up early to send my aunt to the airport, my mum asked me not to go, i dunno why.
but Nigel wanted me to go, and i like being with Nigel, so i decicded to go.
i'm really dumb, right???
but you dunno when will be the next time i'll be able to see her, although i really dont wish to, but if i dont go, i'm sure she's be complaing about only me not going to see her to the airport.
so gtg now...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
why does these stuff always happen to me...
ytd when i went for my malay tuition, our trial's time table was out, and when i went to see it.
i was really shocked, coz it's date really fell on the same day of my Labuan trip!!!!
the 1st thing i thought of was, omg...what am i going to do????
so i sms-ed jie jie imelda, and she called me, but i asked her to call me back after my tuition.
and totally couldnt concentrate during tuition.
and jiejie was very punctual, she called at exactly 10pm, like i asked her to.
she said she thinked about the plans until she's about to faint ady... (poor her)
she said she has two plans...
the 1st one is all about me doing doing the work. that is to go ask my teachers whether i can take the test on another day. which i think is a little impossible. coz it's a test where the whole Johor form 3 students take. and if i take it earlier, they will be scared that i'm going to leak the questions out. and if i take the test later than the others, they will be scared that other ppl will tell me the answers.
but i still went and ask my form teacher, she said i need to go ask my maths teacher, coz the test on the 21th is maths.
and that stupid pn. haslina still thinks that i come from Sabah!!!
like hello??? portuguese ppl are from melacca, although i'm not from melacca. i'm born in JOHOR!!! i'm a JOHORIAN!!!!
i told her many times ady, that i'm a eurasian. and got one time, she even called my mum to confirm what race i am. *urgh*
so i went to ask my maths teacher, she said she dont think i can take the test earlier. but she needs to ask another teacher 1st before she confirms it with me.
i really need to pray hard this time.
and jie-jie's 2nd plan is that we need to spend more money.
"money" is the word everybody is sensitive about.
jie-jie alr tried her best to get as much as she can, and now our fund is just enough for all of us, theres nothing left for extra expenses.
i really dont want to make everyone worried and tired about this.
i'm feel really sry...
just when i reach home, i was pissed again.
coz i needed to eat cheese over toast again, although it is better than eating veggie soup.
all thx to my aunt AGAIN. i really hate her.
then i really didnt want to seat down with her for lunch, so i stood and ate and wanted to go into my room but then she said, " why are u walking around??? cant you seat down?? dont you know you need to seat when you eat???"
like, who set this rule that you need to seat when you eat??? what a stupid rule.
then once i sat down, she asked about my uncle's bday card.
we bought a bday card for my uncle and my bros and i were supposed to give it to him but we didnt. he dont even like to celebrate his bday.
and everyone asked me to give the card to him, but why must i do all the things???
i alr bought the card that wrote the wishes.
i was really angry with my brother.
so she asked me to giv it to him.
i was like, cant you just forget about it??!!
even i forgot about it, i was so busy with my exams.
then she started nagging and scolding again, said that we are useless and insulting us and stuff.
i really wanted to ruin that bday card now.
then she started saying about responsibility.
i hate this this word RESPONSIBILITY. it's ruining my my life.
coz of these responsibility, i dont have much time left for myself to do the things i really want to do. and it's giving me a lot of pressure.
and my aunt still says that it's chocolate that's giving me pimples.
it's not. i checked online and saw in magazines that chocolate doesnt cause pimples!!!
it's the pressure that's causing it.
that's why my pimples got so much better during the school holidays, coz i dont have to worry of so many things during the holidays.
i really hope i can go out tmr, i cant stand being under the same roof as my aunt, although it'll be the last day she'll be around.
i just want to relax and have fun now. but i know that's impossible.
still the same things, PRAY FOR ME!!!! i really need it.
p.s Justin Bieber is so cute. and i he commented me on my Facebook profile! *screams*
love Varsity Fanclub~
i love Sean Paul's new song So Fine~
i was really shocked, coz it's date really fell on the same day of my Labuan trip!!!!
the 1st thing i thought of was, omg...what am i going to do????
so i sms-ed jie jie imelda, and she called me, but i asked her to call me back after my tuition.
and totally couldnt concentrate during tuition.
and jiejie was very punctual, she called at exactly 10pm, like i asked her to.
she said she thinked about the plans until she's about to faint ady... (poor her)
she said she has two plans...
the 1st one is all about me doing doing the work. that is to go ask my teachers whether i can take the test on another day. which i think is a little impossible. coz it's a test where the whole Johor form 3 students take. and if i take it earlier, they will be scared that i'm going to leak the questions out. and if i take the test later than the others, they will be scared that other ppl will tell me the answers.
but i still went and ask my form teacher, she said i need to go ask my maths teacher, coz the test on the 21th is maths.
and that stupid pn. haslina still thinks that i come from Sabah!!!
like hello??? portuguese ppl are from melacca, although i'm not from melacca. i'm born in JOHOR!!! i'm a JOHORIAN!!!!
i told her many times ady, that i'm a eurasian. and got one time, she even called my mum to confirm what race i am. *urgh*
so i went to ask my maths teacher, she said she dont think i can take the test earlier. but she needs to ask another teacher 1st before she confirms it with me.
i really need to pray hard this time.
and jie-jie's 2nd plan is that we need to spend more money.
"money" is the word everybody is sensitive about.
jie-jie alr tried her best to get as much as she can, and now our fund is just enough for all of us, theres nothing left for extra expenses.
i really dont want to make everyone worried and tired about this.
i'm feel really sry...
just when i reach home, i was pissed again.
coz i needed to eat cheese over toast again, although it is better than eating veggie soup.
all thx to my aunt AGAIN. i really hate her.
then i really didnt want to seat down with her for lunch, so i stood and ate and wanted to go into my room but then she said, " why are u walking around??? cant you seat down?? dont you know you need to seat when you eat???"
like, who set this rule that you need to seat when you eat??? what a stupid rule.
then once i sat down, she asked about my uncle's bday card.
we bought a bday card for my uncle and my bros and i were supposed to give it to him but we didnt. he dont even like to celebrate his bday.
and everyone asked me to give the card to him, but why must i do all the things???
i alr bought the card that wrote the wishes.
i was really angry with my brother.
so she asked me to giv it to him.
i was like, cant you just forget about it??!!
even i forgot about it, i was so busy with my exams.
then she started nagging and scolding again, said that we are useless and insulting us and stuff.
i really wanted to ruin that bday card now.
then she started saying about responsibility.
i hate this this word RESPONSIBILITY. it's ruining my my life.
coz of these responsibility, i dont have much time left for myself to do the things i really want to do. and it's giving me a lot of pressure.
and my aunt still says that it's chocolate that's giving me pimples.
it's not. i checked online and saw in magazines that chocolate doesnt cause pimples!!!
it's the pressure that's causing it.
that's why my pimples got so much better during the school holidays, coz i dont have to worry of so many things during the holidays.
i really hope i can go out tmr, i cant stand being under the same roof as my aunt, although it'll be the last day she'll be around.
i just want to relax and have fun now. but i know that's impossible.
still the same things, PRAY FOR ME!!!! i really need it.
p.s Justin Bieber is so cute. and i he commented me on my Facebook profile! *screams*
love Varsity Fanclub~
i love Sean Paul's new song So Fine~
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
nothing much to say
oh shit.... my aunt just came home... die lar...
gonna get scolded again.
i havent finished my grammar exercises yet. gotta rush later.
my aunt came back from Kluang and bought a scale.
i'm happy about that, so i can weigh myself more oftenly.
ytd during jazz class, i finally succeed in the cart wheel~! *happy*
although i'm very scared of doing it.
now i only need to get my legs to be straight.
it happens so fast that you dont know how to do it, the momentum is the most important.
i'm still very scared of my exam results... *sigh*
and Amy told me today that our PMR trials are really going to be on the 17th of August!!!!
oh no.... how am i gonna tell jie-jie Imelda??!!
she's gonna have me worry about this problem... i seriously dont like ppl worrying for me.
who can confirm-like 100% confirm- with me, that our trials are gonna be on the 17th of August???
i prayed so hard, yet... *sigh* *sobs*
we gotta use plan B ady....
just now my uncle asked me to delete my PPS from his computer, he said it's making it slow...
although he said it in a nice way, but i still think he's angry with me downloading it to his com...
so i was thinking, how am i gonna watch videos and drama series now???
Gossip Girl season 3 is gonna be out soon, and i cant miss it!
but... i rmb that i have three computers at home. so i need to try it on the lap-top.
i hope it works, or else i'll need someone to recommend me another site to watch tv series....
gtg now, my aunt calling me ady...
pray for me....
gonna get scolded again.
i havent finished my grammar exercises yet. gotta rush later.
my aunt came back from Kluang and bought a scale.
i'm happy about that, so i can weigh myself more oftenly.
ytd during jazz class, i finally succeed in the cart wheel~! *happy*
although i'm very scared of doing it.
now i only need to get my legs to be straight.
it happens so fast that you dont know how to do it, the momentum is the most important.
i'm still very scared of my exam results... *sigh*
and Amy told me today that our PMR trials are really going to be on the 17th of August!!!!
oh no.... how am i gonna tell jie-jie Imelda??!!
she's gonna have me worry about this problem... i seriously dont like ppl worrying for me.
who can confirm-like 100% confirm- with me, that our trials are gonna be on the 17th of August???
i prayed so hard, yet... *sigh* *sobs*
we gotta use plan B ady....
just now my uncle asked me to delete my PPS from his computer, he said it's making it slow...
although he said it in a nice way, but i still think he's angry with me downloading it to his com...
so i was thinking, how am i gonna watch videos and drama series now???
Gossip Girl season 3 is gonna be out soon, and i cant miss it!
but... i rmb that i have three computers at home. so i need to try it on the lap-top.
i hope it works, or else i'll need someone to recommend me another site to watch tv series....
gtg now, my aunt calling me ady...
pray for me....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
i'm so happy today~
i had chocolate buns for breakfast, i've been craving for chocolate for a few days ady...
but unfortunately, the chocolate cream dropped on my uniform, i wanted to change but there wasnt enough time.
then today was the last day of our exams!
but actually there was only two days of exam.
but i'm still happy although i know that i wont get good results this time.
especially my maths. *sobs* i did really bad in it...
i was happy when i came home, finally got to eat some maggie mee.
btw, fyi, my aunt went to Kluang today, that's why i'm so happy~
with my aunt around, i didnt get to eat instant noodles.
and i wasnt full after a packet of mee, i found some left-over chocolate cake in the fridge so i shared it with Nigel, whom dont have school today.
so we went to Jusco tgt at 3.30pm.
i'm always happy to go out with him.
he wanted to buy a beg to bring to school, he used my converse beg that day and he broke the strap of it, so i was quite angry so he bought me one of the story book in Harris that i wanted for a long time, it's called Pop Princess.
and i bought a nail polish base coat. i wanted to buy the top coat too, but it was sold out.
and my bro bought a converse beg.
HueyYing, i saw the shoe you wanted, it's really nice and it's RM99.
but my foot is small so mayb i can buy the children's one, RM85.
i'm really happy today.
but i gtg now, got to go for jazz class now.
i had chocolate buns for breakfast, i've been craving for chocolate for a few days ady...
but unfortunately, the chocolate cream dropped on my uniform, i wanted to change but there wasnt enough time.
then today was the last day of our exams!
but actually there was only two days of exam.
but i'm still happy although i know that i wont get good results this time.
especially my maths. *sobs* i did really bad in it...
i was happy when i came home, finally got to eat some maggie mee.
btw, fyi, my aunt went to Kluang today, that's why i'm so happy~
with my aunt around, i didnt get to eat instant noodles.
and i wasnt full after a packet of mee, i found some left-over chocolate cake in the fridge so i shared it with Nigel, whom dont have school today.
so we went to Jusco tgt at 3.30pm.
i'm always happy to go out with him.
he wanted to buy a beg to bring to school, he used my converse beg that day and he broke the strap of it, so i was quite angry so he bought me one of the story book in Harris that i wanted for a long time, it's called Pop Princess.
and i bought a nail polish base coat. i wanted to buy the top coat too, but it was sold out.
and my bro bought a converse beg.
HueyYing, i saw the shoe you wanted, it's really nice and it's RM99.
but my foot is small so mayb i can buy the children's one, RM85.
i'm really happy today.
but i gtg now, got to go for jazz class now.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
like only a woman can
this is the lyrics of Brian McFadden's Like Only A Woman Can.
this is a very suitable song for a guy to sing to his girlfriend.
the lyrics are really nice and his voice is very soothing too.
i liked this song from the 1st time i heard it.
the 1st time i heard it was when one of Nigel's friend singing it.
HueyYing i know that you know who i heard singing this song, but dont you dare say his name out on my blog!!!
this is a very suitable song for a guy to sing to his girlfriend.
the lyrics are really nice and his voice is very soothing too.
i liked this song from the 1st time i heard it.
the 1st time i heard it was when one of Nigel's friend singing it.
HueyYing i know that you know who i heard singing this song, but dont you dare say his name out on my blog!!!
I wasn't perfect
I done a lot of stupid things
Still no angel
I wasn't looking for forgiveness
I wasn't laid up by my pride
Just shocked by her attention
Did someone sign me up for love?
I didn't want it
But now I can't live without it
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
She's kinda perfect
She's kinda everything I'm not
Yes, she's an angel
It's amazing how she's patient
Even more at times I'm not
She's my conscience
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
Like only a woman can
But who decided I'd be hers?
I want to hate them
Cause now I can't live without her
She changed my life
She cleaned me up
She found my heart
Like only a woman can
She pulls me up
When she knows I'm sad
She knows her man
Like only a woman can
what a bad day...
i had a really bad day today. from the 1st second i opened my eyes till now.
in the morning, my mum came and woke me up at 9am.
it's early to me. i kept refusing to get up. she kept saying that my aunt is waiting for us to get up to cut my uncle's bday cake.
my uncle's bday was on Friday, same as Amy's.
but he was so busy, we all were busy so we didnt have a time where all of us were tgt.
in the end i woke up at 9.30am. i refused to greet my aunt good morning. coz i hate it. and once i talk, she'll start insulting ansd scolding me again.
then my mum tried to get Nigel up. he slept at arond 3 or 4am, and i slept st 2am.
he didnt want to get up until my mum started shouting at him.
we usually dont have this problem during Sunday morning. this is all bcoz of my aunt.
she's causing our family to be like this, that's why i hate her so much.
and when all of us were ready, she started taking photos.
Nigel and me were like still so sleepy and my aunt kept saying, " Why all the long faces??!!Smile!!! Smile!!! " in a very angry way.
i hate ppl scolding me early in the morning, it runis my whole day's mood.
when we ate the cake(it was a chocolate cake from Lavender), she kept saying, "dont eat so much chocolate, it's not good for your skin. your pimples will be coming out again. i dunno why you ppl like to eat chocolate so much!"
i was so angry with her, i didnt even want to talk or even look at her!
she's so damn frigging annoying.
i wanted to lock myself in my room for the whole day and not come out.
coz once she sees me, she'll start nagging again.
then my neighbour called the government ppl to come cut down the big tree beside his house.
and he came over to ask whether we wanted our tree cut to.
he said he paid RM700 for them to cut down the tree.
but my uncle decided only the trim it, and it cost RM300.
bcoz there a lot bees out side my house coz of that big tree, coz it's very shady and cool there.
i'll show you all the before and after photos some other day.
i missed the tree. they trimed a lot off it.
my neighbour is not saving our earth!!!! he's so bad, but he's rich.
i studied for the whole afternoon until my aunt came knocking on my door and asked whether i wanted to eat some of the left-over cake.
and she said somethg very funny," dont force urself, if you dont want to eat, dont force urself."
i was like what??? why would i force myself to eat my favourite food???
then when it was about 5pm, she asked me to help her out in the garden.
i really wanted to say, dont u know that i have an exam tmr??? dont you want me to study??? and i'm not going out there to feed the mosquitoes!
she always saying, " dont close urself up in the room, come out to the garden, enjoy nature!"
to me, nature=mosquitoes.
she always goes out to the garden, and when she comes back into the house, she'll be complaining about being bitten by mosquitoes.
she's like the stupidest person i've met.
and she always scolds me stupid and say that i dont do things the right way.
but i'm doing things like how my uncle and mum thought me to, then are you calling them stupid????
you cant insult ppl like that you know??? although we're family.
but family dont do these kind of stuff.
then when it was dinner, everything was worst!!!
she cooked reddish soup, i've always hated it.
so i didnt eat it, but at least i force myself to drink the soup.
then she was like," Rachel, you dont like reddish arh??? why???"
i just kept quiet, coz to her, everything i say is wrong.
then we took one big piece of reddish and dumped it on my plate.
i was so angry i wanted to throw the whole plate on the floor.
but instead of that, i started tearing, but she didnt see my tears.
i hate it when ppl force me to do something i didnt want to do.
but in the end, for the sake of not being scolded by her, and so that i could leave the dining table, i shove the whole piece down my throat.
i wanted to vomit after doing that.
my stomach was feeling weird, and i was craving for chocolate, coz when i'm angry or sad, i always want chocolate.
but i couldnt eat any coz of my aunt in the dining.
so i went to my room and started listening to Brian McFadden's Like Only A Woman Can.
and i felt so much better.
music really calms me down.
then afterthat, i wanted to eat some dragon fruit my mum just cut.
but my aunt was in the dining again.
and i hate being in the same room as her.
so when she left, i wanted to eat the fruit but she and my uncle finished it!!!!
i was so damn pissed, i wanted to throw everything of hers out!!!!!
and my mum felt really sry for me. and even she didnt get to eat the fruit she bought.
my aunt is the worst relative i could have!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's is the person i hate most in this world!!!
all she can think about is herself!!!!
she never thinks of what other ppl likes!!!!
she just forces other ppl to do things she wants us to do!
like we are her servants!
i'm sure i'll be celebrating on the day the gets on the plane back to England!!!!!!!
i'm sure that it'll be one of my happiest day of my whole life!!!!
in the morning, my mum came and woke me up at 9am.
it's early to me. i kept refusing to get up. she kept saying that my aunt is waiting for us to get up to cut my uncle's bday cake.
my uncle's bday was on Friday, same as Amy's.
but he was so busy, we all were busy so we didnt have a time where all of us were tgt.
in the end i woke up at 9.30am. i refused to greet my aunt good morning. coz i hate it. and once i talk, she'll start insulting ansd scolding me again.
then my mum tried to get Nigel up. he slept at arond 3 or 4am, and i slept st 2am.
he didnt want to get up until my mum started shouting at him.
we usually dont have this problem during Sunday morning. this is all bcoz of my aunt.
she's causing our family to be like this, that's why i hate her so much.
and when all of us were ready, she started taking photos.
Nigel and me were like still so sleepy and my aunt kept saying, " Why all the long faces??!!Smile!!! Smile!!! " in a very angry way.
i hate ppl scolding me early in the morning, it runis my whole day's mood.
when we ate the cake(it was a chocolate cake from Lavender), she kept saying, "dont eat so much chocolate, it's not good for your skin. your pimples will be coming out again. i dunno why you ppl like to eat chocolate so much!"
i was so angry with her, i didnt even want to talk or even look at her!
she's so damn frigging annoying.
i wanted to lock myself in my room for the whole day and not come out.
coz once she sees me, she'll start nagging again.
then my neighbour called the government ppl to come cut down the big tree beside his house.
and he came over to ask whether we wanted our tree cut to.
he said he paid RM700 for them to cut down the tree.
but my uncle decided only the trim it, and it cost RM300.
bcoz there a lot bees out side my house coz of that big tree, coz it's very shady and cool there.
i'll show you all the before and after photos some other day.
i missed the tree. they trimed a lot off it.
my neighbour is not saving our earth!!!! he's so bad, but he's rich.
i studied for the whole afternoon until my aunt came knocking on my door and asked whether i wanted to eat some of the left-over cake.
and she said somethg very funny," dont force urself, if you dont want to eat, dont force urself."
i was like what??? why would i force myself to eat my favourite food???
then when it was about 5pm, she asked me to help her out in the garden.
i really wanted to say, dont u know that i have an exam tmr??? dont you want me to study??? and i'm not going out there to feed the mosquitoes!
she always saying, " dont close urself up in the room, come out to the garden, enjoy nature!"
to me, nature=mosquitoes.
she always goes out to the garden, and when she comes back into the house, she'll be complaining about being bitten by mosquitoes.
she's like the stupidest person i've met.
and she always scolds me stupid and say that i dont do things the right way.
but i'm doing things like how my uncle and mum thought me to, then are you calling them stupid????
you cant insult ppl like that you know??? although we're family.
but family dont do these kind of stuff.
then when it was dinner, everything was worst!!!
she cooked reddish soup, i've always hated it.
so i didnt eat it, but at least i force myself to drink the soup.
then she was like," Rachel, you dont like reddish arh??? why???"
i just kept quiet, coz to her, everything i say is wrong.
then we took one big piece of reddish and dumped it on my plate.
i was so angry i wanted to throw the whole plate on the floor.
but instead of that, i started tearing, but she didnt see my tears.
i hate it when ppl force me to do something i didnt want to do.
but in the end, for the sake of not being scolded by her, and so that i could leave the dining table, i shove the whole piece down my throat.
i wanted to vomit after doing that.
my stomach was feeling weird, and i was craving for chocolate, coz when i'm angry or sad, i always want chocolate.
but i couldnt eat any coz of my aunt in the dining.
so i went to my room and started listening to Brian McFadden's Like Only A Woman Can.
and i felt so much better.
music really calms me down.
then afterthat, i wanted to eat some dragon fruit my mum just cut.
but my aunt was in the dining again.
and i hate being in the same room as her.
so when she left, i wanted to eat the fruit but she and my uncle finished it!!!!
i was so damn pissed, i wanted to throw everything of hers out!!!!!
and my mum felt really sry for me. and even she didnt get to eat the fruit she bought.
my aunt is the worst relative i could have!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's is the person i hate most in this world!!!
all she can think about is herself!!!!
she never thinks of what other ppl likes!!!!
she just forces other ppl to do things she wants us to do!
like we are her servants!
i'm sure i'll be celebrating on the day the gets on the plane back to England!!!!!!!
i'm sure that it'll be one of my happiest day of my whole life!!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Varsity Fanclub
i havent been checking Varsity Fanclub up for some time, and when i watch one of their videos today, i found out that they have a new member!!!!
he's called T.C. i think he's only a high school student. i think he's 17 this year.
i'm gonna get to know more about him soon.
he's blond and cute~
Thomas left the group. i dunno why. and i want to know but cant find any info about it.
but they are still the best!
love them~
this is a video with T.C in it.
is he cute???
he's called T.C. i think he's only a high school student. i think he's 17 this year.
i'm gonna get to know more about him soon.
he's blond and cute~
Thomas left the group. i dunno why. and i want to know but cant find any info about it.
but they are still the best!
love them~
this is a video with T.C in it.
is he cute???
there's still hope...
i told jie-jie about my trial thing, that it may land on the same day of our Labuan trip.
at 1st, ytd she was like so worried like they had to go without me.
but today jie-jie said that i still can go if my exams really falls on the same day.
she said she could change the plane ticket's time.
but.... (there always must be a 'but')the fee will be more expensive. and they dont have much more money left for extra fees...
so she kept asking me to pray hard.
i know what i need to do. i prayed hard during mass today.
i'm only scared to jie-jie getting worried and more tired than she is.
tmr's practice is canceled due to my exams on Monday. jiejie didnt want to affect my studies by this. and i thank her for that. wish me good luck in my exams!
i just went to YouTube's homepage and saw that the New Moon sneak peeks has alr 1,246,689 views!!!! woo-hoo!!!! the last time i saw it in the afternoon it was only 600,000 views.
not only i cant wait for it.
i suddenly wanted to listen to a Westlife song just now so i found Uptown Girl!
i'm sure all of you heard of this song bfore right??? it's impoosible for someone not to know.
i rmb the 1st time i heard it, i was still in kindergarden. i used to sing along to it, and i still rmb the lyrics! i love Brian McFadden in Westlife, now he's out with a solo album and i love his song Like Only A Woman Can.
i was reading the bible today during cathechism. coz my teacher didnt come and i was the only one who went. i hate my class!
so found some really meaningful stuff when i was flipping through the pages....
' Jesus spoke to them again,"I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have light and life." ' - John 8:12
' Do not let evil defeat you, but conquer evil with goodness. ' - Romans 13:21
at 1st, ytd she was like so worried like they had to go without me.
but today jie-jie said that i still can go if my exams really falls on the same day.
she said she could change the plane ticket's time.
but.... (there always must be a 'but')the fee will be more expensive. and they dont have much more money left for extra fees...
so she kept asking me to pray hard.
i know what i need to do. i prayed hard during mass today.
i'm only scared to jie-jie getting worried and more tired than she is.
tmr's practice is canceled due to my exams on Monday. jiejie didnt want to affect my studies by this. and i thank her for that. wish me good luck in my exams!
i just went to YouTube's homepage and saw that the New Moon sneak peeks has alr 1,246,689 views!!!! woo-hoo!!!! the last time i saw it in the afternoon it was only 600,000 views.
not only i cant wait for it.
i suddenly wanted to listen to a Westlife song just now so i found Uptown Girl!
i'm sure all of you heard of this song bfore right??? it's impoosible for someone not to know.
i rmb the 1st time i heard it, i was still in kindergarden. i used to sing along to it, and i still rmb the lyrics! i love Brian McFadden in Westlife, now he's out with a solo album and i love his song Like Only A Woman Can.
i was reading the bible today during cathechism. coz my teacher didnt come and i was the only one who went. i hate my class!
so found some really meaningful stuff when i was flipping through the pages....
' Jesus spoke to them again,"I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have light and life." ' - John 8:12
' Do not let evil defeat you, but conquer evil with goodness. ' - Romans 13:21
this is the 1st time i'm using this lap-top to come to my blog. it's so much better than my mum's computer.
i went to youtube and found out that the New Moon sneak peeks i posted ytd has alr 600000 views!!!!!
can you believe that??!!
New Moon is gonna be a big bang when it's in cinemas.
then if i'm gonna watch it with huyeyying, we'll need to book the tickets two days before the movie's on.
cant wait for it~ Taylor Lautner aka Jacob Black will be awesome in the movie~
i hope you guys watch the sneak peeks to see how awesome he is.
and i still havent recover from my flu yet... hate it so much. i tried all flu medicines my mum bought but it's not working...
but luckily i'm not sneezing all the time.
and now i need all ppl to pray for me pls~
i will be leaving for Labuan on the 21th of August.
but... my PMR trials may fall on the same day!
so i need your help and your prayers.
pray that my PMR trials wont fall on that week, or else all these practises i've been goin to will be a waste and the airticket money will be a waste too.
and Jiejie wont be able to find a replacement now...
i need to cross my fingers and pray hard....
i went to youtube and found out that the New Moon sneak peeks i posted ytd has alr 600000 views!!!!!
can you believe that??!!
New Moon is gonna be a big bang when it's in cinemas.
then if i'm gonna watch it with huyeyying, we'll need to book the tickets two days before the movie's on.
cant wait for it~ Taylor Lautner aka Jacob Black will be awesome in the movie~
i hope you guys watch the sneak peeks to see how awesome he is.
and i still havent recover from my flu yet... hate it so much. i tried all flu medicines my mum bought but it's not working...
but luckily i'm not sneezing all the time.
and now i need all ppl to pray for me pls~
i will be leaving for Labuan on the 21th of August.
but... my PMR trials may fall on the same day!
so i need your help and your prayers.
pray that my PMR trials wont fall on that week, or else all these practises i've been goin to will be a waste and the airticket money will be a waste too.
and Jiejie wont be able to find a replacement now...
i need to cross my fingers and pray hard....
Friday, July 24, 2009
New Moon sneak peeks~
i found them on youtube.
the quality isnt really good. but New Moon fans would love to watch it!
it's a fan who took it and it's not original, and you could hear crazy girls screaming in the background.
hope you love it~
ypu would get to see Taylor Lautner half naked in this video, with his six-pack! *scream*
love him~ there's Robert in it too~
dont you just love it when they put it in slow motion???
cant wait for the movie to come out!!!!
i found them on youtube.
the quality isnt really good. but New Moon fans would love to watch it!
it's a fan who took it and it's not original, and you could hear crazy girls screaming in the background.
hope you love it~
ypu would get to see Taylor Lautner half naked in this video, with his six-pack! *scream*
love him~ there's Robert in it too~
dont you just love it when they put it in slow motion???
cant wait for the movie to come out!!!!
been very busy and tired....
it's been almost a week since the last time i on the computer.
i did on the computer, but there was some problems with the internet connection.
and due to the presence of aunt fron England, i didnt get the opportunity to use the com.
but i still cant use it until too late, or i'll be questioned by her tmr morning.
i really dont want to wake up early tmr...
but my aunt will sure to be waking us up. *angry*
i'm gonna update on some things that happened during the past few days.
went to watch Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince with HueyYing and her bro and Thaniel.
it's wanst what i expected it to be. ppl who read the the book will know what i mean.
and Nigel bought his new lap-top. it's actually isnt his, my mum bought it, so it means that it's for the whole family to use.
my aunt came back from her friend's house in Kota Bharu.
i so wished she didnt come back so early.
she cooked dinner that was quite okay, i was still able to eat it.
when i reached home from school, i was so hungry. i was alr thinking of frying some fries for lunch. but once i stepped in the dining, i saw plates of fried rice on the table.
then i went, "Oh shit."
it was not appetizing at all. the veggies were much more than the rice. and the rice didnt have any flavour.
then for dinner, my aunt cooked pork with veggie, so i didnt eat any. and there was this soup that tasted like plain water.
she really cooks with less salt, less oil, and less all things unhealthy and replaced them with all kinds of veggie. like honestly, i rather cook my own dinner than eating what she cooks.
found out some really shocking gossips that made me really angry.
like which girl wouldnt want to wear beautiful clothes???
why would someone be so jealous of someone just becoz she thinks she's not as pretty as her and has beautiful clothes??? weird right?
hate back-stabbers.
Amy's bday party. we girls actually thought of playing a prank on Amy. but we didnt success in it. too bad.
took lots of photos in Lavender. i'll post them later.
wanted to buy a present for Amy but also didnt success in it.
we are such a failure. *sigh*
when i reached home, i finally wanted to settle down to study.
but my frigging aunt wanted me to take her to a near by shop to buy cards.
i was like, " dont you know that i'm having an exam tmr??? i need to study."
but i had no choice but to walk with her in the blazing sun that was freaking hot.
she's really trying to make me slim down and get sick. sometimes i really think she's cruel.
i rmb the last time she came to vist us, she kept calling my bros and i rubbish and keep saying that we're stupid.
had my History test. i seriously dont want to talk about it. i'm so damn dissapointed with myself for being to stupid.
when i reached home, i had lunch, cheese over toast with tomatoes. my aunt suggested the tomatoes although i dont hate them.
then went to Susann's house to play with her doggie, Coco. it's so cute~ i so wish i could have a dog, but it's kinda impoosible when my uncle is around.
i love dogs, no matter whether they bite. but Susann's dog was so nice.
and Susann showed HweeSing, HueyYing and me her huge cosmetic box. it was like the one Hannah Montana had.
we were all so jealous of her, especially HweeSing.
our actual plan was to study. but once the cosmetics and magazines and nail polishes came out, the study plan was thrown to the back of our heads. haha~
Gossip. is it with a S or without??? i dont rmb...
i had a really great time, we were laughing most of the time. i think that was the happiset moment of my whole week.
and before we went home, Coco kept clinging on to me!
it kept clinging on my hand and it's nails were scratching my skin.
but it was so fun~ it's eyes were so big. i'll post photos later.
when i got home, my aunt was like saying in a very unpolite way, " why are you so late? i wanted you to help me with dinner. now i'm alr finish cooking."
i wanted to say but didnt say, " who do you think you are??? my mother??? not even my mum treats me like that! not even my uncle! they dont ever treat me like this!"
i was so pissed, i wanted to walk out of the house and never see her again.
everyone at home is all busy with their own stuff and she's all left alone. you know why??? coz no one wants to be near her. you'll be finding yourself trouble if you get near her.
i just cant wait for her to get on the airplane.
i'm so tired....
i did on the computer, but there was some problems with the internet connection.
and due to the presence of aunt fron England, i didnt get the opportunity to use the com.
but i still cant use it until too late, or i'll be questioned by her tmr morning.
i really dont want to wake up early tmr...
but my aunt will sure to be waking us up. *angry*
i'm gonna update on some things that happened during the past few days.
went to watch Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince with HueyYing and her bro and Thaniel.
it's wanst what i expected it to be. ppl who read the the book will know what i mean.
and Nigel bought his new lap-top. it's actually isnt his, my mum bought it, so it means that it's for the whole family to use.
my aunt came back from her friend's house in Kota Bharu.
i so wished she didnt come back so early.
she cooked dinner that was quite okay, i was still able to eat it.
when i reached home from school, i was so hungry. i was alr thinking of frying some fries for lunch. but once i stepped in the dining, i saw plates of fried rice on the table.
then i went, "Oh shit."
it was not appetizing at all. the veggies were much more than the rice. and the rice didnt have any flavour.
then for dinner, my aunt cooked pork with veggie, so i didnt eat any. and there was this soup that tasted like plain water.
she really cooks with less salt, less oil, and less all things unhealthy and replaced them with all kinds of veggie. like honestly, i rather cook my own dinner than eating what she cooks.
found out some really shocking gossips that made me really angry.
like which girl wouldnt want to wear beautiful clothes???
why would someone be so jealous of someone just becoz she thinks she's not as pretty as her and has beautiful clothes??? weird right?
hate back-stabbers.
Amy's bday party. we girls actually thought of playing a prank on Amy. but we didnt success in it. too bad.
took lots of photos in Lavender. i'll post them later.
wanted to buy a present for Amy but also didnt success in it.
we are such a failure. *sigh*
when i reached home, i finally wanted to settle down to study.
but my frigging aunt wanted me to take her to a near by shop to buy cards.
i was like, " dont you know that i'm having an exam tmr??? i need to study."
but i had no choice but to walk with her in the blazing sun that was freaking hot.
she's really trying to make me slim down and get sick. sometimes i really think she's cruel.
i rmb the last time she came to vist us, she kept calling my bros and i rubbish and keep saying that we're stupid.
had my History test. i seriously dont want to talk about it. i'm so damn dissapointed with myself for being to stupid.
when i reached home, i had lunch, cheese over toast with tomatoes. my aunt suggested the tomatoes although i dont hate them.
then went to Susann's house to play with her doggie, Coco. it's so cute~ i so wish i could have a dog, but it's kinda impoosible when my uncle is around.
i love dogs, no matter whether they bite. but Susann's dog was so nice.
and Susann showed HweeSing, HueyYing and me her huge cosmetic box. it was like the one Hannah Montana had.
we were all so jealous of her, especially HweeSing.
our actual plan was to study. but once the cosmetics and magazines and nail polishes came out, the study plan was thrown to the back of our heads. haha~
Gossip. is it with a S or without??? i dont rmb...
i had a really great time, we were laughing most of the time. i think that was the happiset moment of my whole week.
and before we went home, Coco kept clinging on to me!
it kept clinging on my hand and it's nails were scratching my skin.
but it was so fun~ it's eyes were so big. i'll post photos later.
when i got home, my aunt was like saying in a very unpolite way, " why are you so late? i wanted you to help me with dinner. now i'm alr finish cooking."
i wanted to say but didnt say, " who do you think you are??? my mother??? not even my mum treats me like that! not even my uncle! they dont ever treat me like this!"
i was so pissed, i wanted to walk out of the house and never see her again.
everyone at home is all busy with their own stuff and she's all left alone. you know why??? coz no one wants to be near her. you'll be finding yourself trouble if you get near her.
i just cant wait for her to get on the airplane.
i'm so tired....
Saturday, July 18, 2009
sigh sigh sigh....
i'm still sick... *sneeze* *sneeze*
i didnt have a great morning.
i was woken up by a cramped leg 8 in the morning.
i dunno how a person's leg can get cramped while they're sleeping.
it so weird and the feeling of it is so awful, it's so painful.
and it's so hard to go back to sleep after it.
btw, my leg still hurts.
i kept waking up and going back to sleep until 9am.
then i looked at the ceiling and decided to go back to sleep again.
i woke at 10am, coz my alarm was set.
so i called the cinema to book tickets. couldnt get through the line at 1st.
but when i got through and asked the girl whether there were tickets, she told me the night's movies are fully book. *dissapointed*
then i discussed with hy about it, and we decided to watch tmr afternoon's show.
so i started to call for reservation from 10.30am.
by 11am, i only got through 3 times and not one time the person picked up the phone, they kept putting me on hold.
i didnt give up, i kept trying and trying and kept pushing redial.
and at 11.05am, i got through! and they were tickets for the 3.20pm show, but only front row seats. i had no choice but the pick those.
we'll be sitting in row C. i'm sure that's not going to be easy sitting so near to the screen.
but at least we got the tickets.
but i still dunno what time is our practice tmr, i hope jie-jie can inform me asap.
i hope it isnt too late.
and just now i watched Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.
and when i was watching the credits, i noticed that my name, Rachel Victoria, is more to the English side and not to the American side.
coz i saw a person named Victoria Clark and saw a lot of ppl named Rachel.
but usually when i watch American movies, i dont see much of Rachel(s) in it.
and now i hope i'll be healthier tmr.
and hope i have a good night's sleep, and dont get waken up by some stupid leg cramp.
i didnt have a great morning.
i was woken up by a cramped leg 8 in the morning.
i dunno how a person's leg can get cramped while they're sleeping.
it so weird and the feeling of it is so awful, it's so painful.
and it's so hard to go back to sleep after it.
btw, my leg still hurts.
i kept waking up and going back to sleep until 9am.
then i looked at the ceiling and decided to go back to sleep again.
i woke at 10am, coz my alarm was set.
so i called the cinema to book tickets. couldnt get through the line at 1st.
but when i got through and asked the girl whether there were tickets, she told me the night's movies are fully book. *dissapointed*
then i discussed with hy about it, and we decided to watch tmr afternoon's show.
so i started to call for reservation from 10.30am.
by 11am, i only got through 3 times and not one time the person picked up the phone, they kept putting me on hold.
i didnt give up, i kept trying and trying and kept pushing redial.
and at 11.05am, i got through! and they were tickets for the 3.20pm show, but only front row seats. i had no choice but the pick those.
we'll be sitting in row C. i'm sure that's not going to be easy sitting so near to the screen.
but at least we got the tickets.
but i still dunno what time is our practice tmr, i hope jie-jie can inform me asap.
i hope it isnt too late.
and just now i watched Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.
and when i was watching the credits, i noticed that my name, Rachel Victoria, is more to the English side and not to the American side.
coz i saw a person named Victoria Clark and saw a lot of ppl named Rachel.
but usually when i watch American movies, i dont see much of Rachel(s) in it.
and now i hope i'll be healthier tmr.
and hope i have a good night's sleep, and dont get waken up by some stupid leg cramp.
Friday, July 17, 2009
ahh choo!
i'm sick. *sigh* *sneeze*
i was worse in the afternoon.
ytd hy was sneezing and my mum also, so i think i got it from my mum coz she's still sick today, and hy was all healthy today.
so my mum bought some medicine.
i ate the one that needed to disslove in the water one before i went to church.
everytime i took a sip of it, i sneeze. and when i finished a half-cup of it, i was tearing.
my tears were flowing non-stop down my face. and coz my eyelashes are long, it made my glasses wet too.
but i was so much better when i reach church.
i hope the flu wont come back anymore, it's so hard to endure it.
today's practice at church was successful.
jie-jie's friend from Labuan came to see us perform and gave some comments.
i knew we didnt do that well, and we still have lots of things to improve.
and before we left, jie-jie said tmr we dont have practice. i was so happy.
tmr i'll be going to watch Harry Potter with Hy~ if we get can tickets.
even the d.j on the radio said you'll need to book the tickets in advance if you wanted to watch it in the evening. it'll be full of people.
it's all my fault. we could have gotten tickets by now.
i didnt know that the reservation time was from 10am to 7pm.
i called them at 7.15pm. *sigh*
now, we all need to pray hard that i can get the tickets first thing in the morning.
Dear God, pls let us get the tickets for tmr's movie.
i'll be a very good girl. i'll praise you and worship you everyday!
hope u can help us out.
wish me good luck~
p/s hy, the pps is working~
i was worse in the afternoon.
ytd hy was sneezing and my mum also, so i think i got it from my mum coz she's still sick today, and hy was all healthy today.
so my mum bought some medicine.
i ate the one that needed to disslove in the water one before i went to church.
everytime i took a sip of it, i sneeze. and when i finished a half-cup of it, i was tearing.
my tears were flowing non-stop down my face. and coz my eyelashes are long, it made my glasses wet too.
but i was so much better when i reach church.
i hope the flu wont come back anymore, it's so hard to endure it.
today's practice at church was successful.
jie-jie's friend from Labuan came to see us perform and gave some comments.
i knew we didnt do that well, and we still have lots of things to improve.
and before we left, jie-jie said tmr we dont have practice. i was so happy.
tmr i'll be going to watch Harry Potter with Hy~ if we get can tickets.
even the d.j on the radio said you'll need to book the tickets in advance if you wanted to watch it in the evening. it'll be full of people.
it's all my fault. we could have gotten tickets by now.
i didnt know that the reservation time was from 10am to 7pm.
i called them at 7.15pm. *sigh*
now, we all need to pray hard that i can get the tickets first thing in the morning.
Dear God, pls let us get the tickets for tmr's movie.
i'll be a very good girl. i'll praise you and worship you everyday!
hope u can help us out.
wish me good luck~
p/s hy, the pps is working~
Monday, July 13, 2009
love this song~
i love Drew from VFC!
i know i told you guys i love Jayk at 1st.
but actually i love them all.
i've never been so crazy over a boy band before. they won over the BSB.
btw, i love this acoustic version of a song sung by Drew Scott called Like I Always Do.
i hope you guys love it too.
and support Varsity Fanclub~
their music are all great.
check this out!!!
p/s why the hell is it so hard to find a nice beautiful blogskin???!!! i'm really getting pissed right now. *angry*
i got a pair of new glasses ytd when i went to Kluang...
i always wanted to go there to buy specs. coz it's really cheap...
but in the end, i didnt get the one that i really liked. coz all the ones that i like was over RM200 and my aunt wouldnt be happy if i bought those.
so i had no choice but to chose the cheap one that was only RM100.
sometimes when i look in the mirror, i really regret for buying it, coz it's too big for my face. i would really want to wear my old pair of glasses.
but sometimes i think it's quite okay.
it looks better when i put my hair down.
but everything looks weird at 1st. after a while, you'll get used to it, and you'll start to like it.
just like when i got my old glasses, i only hated to wear, coz i thought i looked really weird, but in the end, i started to like it.
and like the 1st first day i went to school with my hair tied up.
i really missed my short hair sometimes, but after a while, i got used to it, and started liking it too.
so i really hope that it would be the same situation like last time. or else, i would have no choice but to save up some money and get a new frame.
i really dont want that to happen, coz i'm saving up for other uses.
i'll post some pics another time, i dont have the time now, gotta go to youtube to watch Kim Hyun Joong's vids~ *giggles*
i always wanted to go there to buy specs. coz it's really cheap...
but in the end, i didnt get the one that i really liked. coz all the ones that i like was over RM200 and my aunt wouldnt be happy if i bought those.
so i had no choice but to chose the cheap one that was only RM100.
sometimes when i look in the mirror, i really regret for buying it, coz it's too big for my face. i would really want to wear my old pair of glasses.
but sometimes i think it's quite okay.
it looks better when i put my hair down.
but everything looks weird at 1st. after a while, you'll get used to it, and you'll start to like it.
just like when i got my old glasses, i only hated to wear, coz i thought i looked really weird, but in the end, i started to like it.
and like the 1st first day i went to school with my hair tied up.
i really missed my short hair sometimes, but after a while, i got used to it, and started liking it too.
so i really hope that it would be the same situation like last time. or else, i would have no choice but to save up some money and get a new frame.
i really dont want that to happen, coz i'm saving up for other uses.
i'll post some pics another time, i dont have the time now, gotta go to youtube to watch Kim Hyun Joong's vids~ *giggles*
Saturday, July 11, 2009
really tired...
woke up at 8am today, it's early to me. coz i slept at 2 am ytd.
ate a few biscuits before heading to Singapore.
we went to Nigel's future school, MDIS 1st.
waited for almost an hour there to do all the things he had to do.
then we went to Changi airport.
my aunt told us that she was landing at terminal 3. but we couldnt find her flight on the screen.
then my cousin brother that lives in Singapore came over too, and told us he saw that her flight was landing at terminal 2.
then we needed to rush to terminal 2 coz we were alr late.
her flight landed at 2.45pm. when we reach the arrivals area, it was alr 3.15pm.
luckily we made it in time, and we didnt need to wait too long.
i only ate a bun in Singapore.
then we lost our way from the airport. when we reached the custom, it was jammed. as usual.
we left the airport at about 4pm and reached my house at 7pm.
it was a long and tiring journey.
i wanted to sleep in the car, but my aunt was nagging at Nigel non-stop.
when we reached home, i only ate half a packet of fried mee, coz my mum didnt buy enough food, she was supposed to buy 5 packets, but she only bought 4. so i needed to share mine with her. i couldnt complain, or else i wont be able to leave the dining table.
then at 8.30pm, went for our church practice.
our play is getting better, but our dance is still weird.
and it's very tiring. they didnt on the air-cond, so we were sweating like hell.
it's like doing exercise and not dancing. i reached home at 12am.
i'm sure i'm going to lose some weight over the weekend.
i didnt eat much today, and i'm so damn tired.
luckily i still get to use the com.
coz i told my mum that i needed to wait for my hair to dry before i go to sleep, so i got the chance to use the com.
but tmr will be a long day too.
i actually thought of studying this weekend, but i didnt know that i'll be so busy.
tmr morning, we'll be going to Kluang to meet my uncle there.
and i maybe will get a new pair of glasses. i really hope do.
then at 7pm, i'll need to go for our chruch practice again. coz we need to get everything right.
next friday, jiejie's friend will be coming down from Labuan to see us perform. it'll be like an audition.
it's going to be a tiring day...
but i hope i can reach home before 10.00pm.
coz tmr will be showing Harper's Island's finale. and i really want to watch it.
ate a few biscuits before heading to Singapore.
we went to Nigel's future school, MDIS 1st.
waited for almost an hour there to do all the things he had to do.
then we went to Changi airport.
my aunt told us that she was landing at terminal 3. but we couldnt find her flight on the screen.
then my cousin brother that lives in Singapore came over too, and told us he saw that her flight was landing at terminal 2.
then we needed to rush to terminal 2 coz we were alr late.
her flight landed at 2.45pm. when we reach the arrivals area, it was alr 3.15pm.
luckily we made it in time, and we didnt need to wait too long.
i only ate a bun in Singapore.
then we lost our way from the airport. when we reached the custom, it was jammed. as usual.
we left the airport at about 4pm and reached my house at 7pm.
it was a long and tiring journey.
i wanted to sleep in the car, but my aunt was nagging at Nigel non-stop.
when we reached home, i only ate half a packet of fried mee, coz my mum didnt buy enough food, she was supposed to buy 5 packets, but she only bought 4. so i needed to share mine with her. i couldnt complain, or else i wont be able to leave the dining table.
then at 8.30pm, went for our church practice.
our play is getting better, but our dance is still weird.
and it's very tiring. they didnt on the air-cond, so we were sweating like hell.
it's like doing exercise and not dancing. i reached home at 12am.
i'm sure i'm going to lose some weight over the weekend.
i didnt eat much today, and i'm so damn tired.
luckily i still get to use the com.
coz i told my mum that i needed to wait for my hair to dry before i go to sleep, so i got the chance to use the com.
but tmr will be a long day too.
i actually thought of studying this weekend, but i didnt know that i'll be so busy.
tmr morning, we'll be going to Kluang to meet my uncle there.
and i maybe will get a new pair of glasses. i really hope do.
then at 7pm, i'll need to go for our chruch practice again. coz we need to get everything right.
next friday, jiejie's friend will be coming down from Labuan to see us perform. it'll be like an audition.
it's going to be a tiring day...
but i hope i can reach home before 10.00pm.
coz tmr will be showing Harper's Island's finale. and i really want to watch it.
Friday, July 10, 2009
just reached home...
it's so nice to be at home.
but unfortunately, from tmr onwards until next Monday, it wont be that nice.
and a week after that, it wont be that nice too.
this is all bcoz of the coming back of my Aunt from England.
i just cleaned up my room today, coz she'll be sleeping in my room when she's here.
i rmb last time, i used to be happy to clean up my room for her, it's like welcoming her back to our home.
but now, it's just for the sake of myself. so that i wont get scolded by her for being a girl that is messy and dunno how to clean up her own room.
i dont mind my room being messy and my mum doesnt mind too.
to me, it's s waste of time by cleaning up my room coz it'll be messy again in not more than one day.
so what's the point of doing so?
tmr morning, mummy, Nigel and i will be going to Changi Airport to fetch her back, and she'll be going to a friend's big bday party in i-dunno-where on Monday.
and she'll be back a week after that. and she'll be staying for 2 WEEKS!!!!
i cant even stand one hour being staying with her, how do you want me to endure 2 weeks of her in my house??!!
if she'd here, i wont be able to eat "unhealthy" food, and i'll need to eat all the veggies...*puke*
and i wont be able to watch tv all the time.
and i wont be able to use the computer, that's something i'm very worried of.
i cant live without using the computer.
what am i going to do???
that's why i'm hoping i'll have a lot of activities when she's around, so that i can spend less time under the same roof as her.
but unfortunately, from tmr onwards until next Monday, it wont be that nice.
and a week after that, it wont be that nice too.
this is all bcoz of the coming back of my Aunt from England.
i just cleaned up my room today, coz she'll be sleeping in my room when she's here.
i rmb last time, i used to be happy to clean up my room for her, it's like welcoming her back to our home.
but now, it's just for the sake of myself. so that i wont get scolded by her for being a girl that is messy and dunno how to clean up her own room.
i dont mind my room being messy and my mum doesnt mind too.
to me, it's s waste of time by cleaning up my room coz it'll be messy again in not more than one day.
so what's the point of doing so?
tmr morning, mummy, Nigel and i will be going to Changi Airport to fetch her back, and she'll be going to a friend's big bday party in i-dunno-where on Monday.
and she'll be back a week after that. and she'll be staying for 2 WEEKS!!!!
i cant even stand one hour being staying with her, how do you want me to endure 2 weeks of her in my house??!!
if she'd here, i wont be able to eat "unhealthy" food, and i'll need to eat all the veggies...*puke*
and i wont be able to watch tv all the time.
and i wont be able to use the computer, that's something i'm very worried of.
i cant live without using the computer.
what am i going to do???
that's why i'm hoping i'll have a lot of activities when she's around, so that i can spend less time under the same roof as her.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
- walking to the bathroom early in the morning with my eyes close
- tilt my head everytime i'm focusing on something
- look in the mirror for a few minutes before going to bed
- silent scream when i see someone i like. especially Kim Hyun Joong~
- having my boaster by my side when i sleep
- listening to my favourite songs bfore going to school.
- i scare Nigel every time after he comes back from basketball.
- go on to youtube once i'm online
- eating chocolate everyday. i just cant live without it.
- touching my earlobes when i'm bored
1) hueyying
2) amy
3) kylie
4) hui min
5) jackson
6) just everyone who wants to do it
- walking to the bathroom early in the morning with my eyes close
- tilt my head everytime i'm focusing on something
- look in the mirror for a few minutes before going to bed
- silent scream when i see someone i like. especially Kim Hyun Joong~
- having my boaster by my side when i sleep
- listening to my favourite songs bfore going to school.
- i scare Nigel every time after he comes back from basketball.
- go on to youtube once i'm online
- eating chocolate everyday. i just cant live without it.
- touching my earlobes when i'm bored
1) hueyying
2) amy
3) kylie
4) hui min
5) jackson
6) just everyone who wants to do it
same as usual.
it's always been tiring for the past few days.
i'm still always wake up late.
it's the same in school. only that we only had K.H class today all due to the Maths ceramah thing.
and i just finished my piano class.
and i'm sure that my teacher feels very annoyed and tired when she teaches me. coz my fingers are still very slow and i always is sesat-ed with the notes.
and my back was so tired.
you try sitting up straight for one whole hour with nothing for you to lean your back on.
once when i was practicing the piano, i relaxed and let my back fall back a little, and guess what happened???
i fell off the piano chair.
my head ached through the rest of the day.
it was so painful.
but i was so stupid to do something like that.
later still need to go for tuition. *sigh*
tired lar....
ytd, actually it's today morning at 1.30am, tv showed Michael Jackson's public memorial thing until 4.30am.
and Nigel stayed up to watch it. crazy right???
i'm not such a big M.J fan, although i always used to dance along to songs with my brother when we watched his cd last time when his songs were really famous.
and i watched a video on youtube of his daughter Paris saying something about him, and i was so touched by her words. *sobs*
that's all for today then...
btw, may you R.I.P Michael Jackson.........
i'm still always wake up late.
it's the same in school. only that we only had K.H class today all due to the Maths ceramah thing.
and i just finished my piano class.
and i'm sure that my teacher feels very annoyed and tired when she teaches me. coz my fingers are still very slow and i always is sesat-ed with the notes.
and my back was so tired.
you try sitting up straight for one whole hour with nothing for you to lean your back on.
once when i was practicing the piano, i relaxed and let my back fall back a little, and guess what happened???
i fell off the piano chair.
my head ached through the rest of the day.
it was so painful.
but i was so stupid to do something like that.
later still need to go for tuition. *sigh*
tired lar....
ytd, actually it's today morning at 1.30am, tv showed Michael Jackson's public memorial thing until 4.30am.
and Nigel stayed up to watch it. crazy right???
i'm not such a big M.J fan, although i always used to dance along to songs with my brother when we watched his cd last time when his songs were really famous.
and i watched a video on youtube of his daughter Paris saying something about him, and i was so touched by her words. *sobs*
that's all for today then...
btw, may you R.I.P Michael Jackson.........
Monday, July 6, 2009
a joke
this is a very funny joke i heard from the radio the other day.
i told it to my brother, and he was laughing non-stop.
so i hope you'll be laughing like he did.
i just want you guys to laugh.
One day, a teacher gave her class of students a candy each.
After that, the teacher asked the students to taste what the candy is made-up of.
And the students easily saud a few such as nuts, cherry, chocolate......
Then the teacher said: "There's something else inside the candy. It's something that your parents always calls each other, can anyone say what it is???"
Then one student yelled out: "Spit it out! Spit it out! It's made-up of asshole! It's assholes!"
did it make you laugh?
i hope it did.
i told it to my brother, and he was laughing non-stop.
so i hope you'll be laughing like he did.
i just want you guys to laugh.
One day, a teacher gave her class of students a candy each.
After that, the teacher asked the students to taste what the candy is made-up of.
And the students easily saud a few such as nuts, cherry, chocolate......
Then the teacher said: "There's something else inside the candy. It's something that your parents always calls each other, can anyone say what it is???"
Then one student yelled out: "Spit it out! Spit it out! It's made-up of asshole! It's assholes!"
did it make you laugh?
i hope it did.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
tired day.
i was supposed to go to school in the morning, but no one could fetch me.
so i thought it was a good chance to sleep for more than 8 hours.
i've always been sleeping for 6 or 7 hours during schooling days.
so went to church, there was a new student, a guy, named Ashley.
why must it be a guy???
am i really going to be the only girl in my class until i get confirmed??? *angry*
and i thought of putting Ashley as my confirmation name, but now, after Ashley joining our class, i think i'll need to find a new name ady.
the weather was so hot in the afternoon, and the teacher didnt on the air-cond somemore.
it was freaking hot. i was sweating and sweating.
during mass also the same, i really wanted to go and sit in the baby room. (coz it has air-cond)
then my mum took thaniel and me to giant for dinner and to buy some things.
saw Shereen there, with her mum. i only smiled at her.
then that stupid Nigel needed to use the car, so my mum needed to rush home to give him the car.
then i went back to church for practice.
the bottom of my feet are hurting now. i think it's bcoz of the friction when i was dancing. coz we were bare-footed. so my legs are like blistered. *pain*
and we did our 1st practice of the play/skit.
in was interesting. i didnt have much to say or act in it.
like i said before, the title of our play is The Pridigal Daughter.
we practiced until 12.30am. *tired*
Nigel came to fetch me, and he brought along Shaun and Qing Hui.
Qing Hui's voice is so weird.
when i was on the way home, i sat in the front sit.
and i heard someone's voice from the back, it sounded like a girl's voice, you know?
i nearly laughed out.
tmr i'll still need to go to church at 4pm. *sigh*
wish me good luck~
so i thought it was a good chance to sleep for more than 8 hours.
i've always been sleeping for 6 or 7 hours during schooling days.
so went to church, there was a new student, a guy, named Ashley.
why must it be a guy???
am i really going to be the only girl in my class until i get confirmed??? *angry*
and i thought of putting Ashley as my confirmation name, but now, after Ashley joining our class, i think i'll need to find a new name ady.
the weather was so hot in the afternoon, and the teacher didnt on the air-cond somemore.
it was freaking hot. i was sweating and sweating.
during mass also the same, i really wanted to go and sit in the baby room. (coz it has air-cond)
then my mum took thaniel and me to giant for dinner and to buy some things.
saw Shereen there, with her mum. i only smiled at her.
then that stupid Nigel needed to use the car, so my mum needed to rush home to give him the car.
then i went back to church for practice.
the bottom of my feet are hurting now. i think it's bcoz of the friction when i was dancing. coz we were bare-footed. so my legs are like blistered. *pain*
and we did our 1st practice of the play/skit.
in was interesting. i didnt have much to say or act in it.
like i said before, the title of our play is The Pridigal Daughter.
we practiced until 12.30am. *tired*
Nigel came to fetch me, and he brought along Shaun and Qing Hui.
Qing Hui's voice is so weird.
when i was on the way home, i sat in the front sit.
and i heard someone's voice from the back, it sounded like a girl's voice, you know?
i nearly laughed out.
tmr i'll still need to go to church at 4pm. *sigh*
wish me good luck~
Friday, July 3, 2009
i just came back from our dance practice. it was so tiring.
we were running around in circles and dancing and dancing and dancing.
i cant wait for us to finish this dance and start with our play.
jie-jie imelda is still preparing the script for the play.
i feel so anxious about it.
a few days ago, jie jie and Auntie Vincentia went to Melaka to get our costumes and stuff for the performance and they also went to see a Portugeese dance performance. and they decided to change the whole dance.
so we needed to learn new things today. it was quite confusing at 1st but once you got it, it's very easy. you just need to get the timing and the beats.
and we did couple dance today. my partner was supposed to be Gibson, but Gibson is sick today, so he didnt go for practice. but he'll be back for tmr's practice.
i hope he has recovered from whatever sickness he has, i dont want him to pass the virus to me, i dont want to get sick.
so today my partner was Daniel. we're almost the same height, i think i'm taller than him, just a few cm distance.
to be honest, it was quite awkward at 1st.
it's not that i havent danced with a partner bfore, but this is different from the rest.
it's a bit like tango but not so latin-ish.
just some simple things.
it was like waltz actually, he needed to put his hand on my waist and i needed to put my hand on his shoulder.
i saw Nigel being scared of holding jie-jie's waist.*giggles*
we practiced until 11.30pm. then we had pizza for supper until 12am. then we went home.
very tired now.
tmr still have practice at 9pm. and Sunday at 4pm too.
hope i can cope up with all the things i need to do.
but most importantly, i must pray hard that our performance will be very successful.
we were running around in circles and dancing and dancing and dancing.
i cant wait for us to finish this dance and start with our play.
jie-jie imelda is still preparing the script for the play.
i feel so anxious about it.
a few days ago, jie jie and Auntie Vincentia went to Melaka to get our costumes and stuff for the performance and they also went to see a Portugeese dance performance. and they decided to change the whole dance.
so we needed to learn new things today. it was quite confusing at 1st but once you got it, it's very easy. you just need to get the timing and the beats.
and we did couple dance today. my partner was supposed to be Gibson, but Gibson is sick today, so he didnt go for practice. but he'll be back for tmr's practice.
i hope he has recovered from whatever sickness he has, i dont want him to pass the virus to me, i dont want to get sick.
so today my partner was Daniel. we're almost the same height, i think i'm taller than him, just a few cm distance.
to be honest, it was quite awkward at 1st.
it's not that i havent danced with a partner bfore, but this is different from the rest.
it's a bit like tango but not so latin-ish.
just some simple things.
it was like waltz actually, he needed to put his hand on my waist and i needed to put my hand on his shoulder.
i saw Nigel being scared of holding jie-jie's waist.*giggles*
we practiced until 11.30pm. then we had pizza for supper until 12am. then we went home.
very tired now.
tmr still have practice at 9pm. and Sunday at 4pm too.
hope i can cope up with all the things i need to do.
but most importantly, i must pray hard that our performance will be very successful.
i love this~
i just love watching Kim Hyun Joong in We Got Married~
he's just so sweet and adorable. and he always makes me laugh.
and i've watch until episode 22 ady.
and i loved it coz Kim Hyun Joong looked soooo handsome in it.
he and his pretend-wife was taking wedding photos.
and they looked amazing.
this is my favourite episode so far.
this is the part where Hyun Joong kisses the bride. but it's actually just a peck on the cheek. he looked so adorable~
he's just so sweet and adorable. and he always makes me laugh.
and i've watch until episode 22 ady.
and i loved it coz Kim Hyun Joong looked soooo handsome in it.
he and his pretend-wife was taking wedding photos.
and they looked amazing.
this is my favourite episode so far.
this is the part where Hyun Joong kisses the bride. but it's actually just a peck on the cheek. he looked so adorable~
Thursday, July 2, 2009
updating on things...
hi everyone.
i havent been updating anything for the pass few days. so now i'll tell you the things that happened.
my mum's cars was sent for a thorough service, which will cost a lot.
and her car was supposed to be in the workshop until tmr but she got the car back today, which made me very happy coz we really had some problems with transport without the car around.
i dont really rmb what happened on Monday.
not a very special day.
nothing really happened.
just that i had fun during jazz class.
we did the cart wheel thing that was scary. i'm always so scared of doing it.
our teacher kept saying it's not dangerous, but when i saw the other ppl doing it,it looked so dangerous.
and we did the star jump! that was my favourite.
i love jumping around.
and my legs were aching when i reach home. from my toes to my thighs. it felt so good when i got to lie on my bed and sleep.
Fang Yuan's and Kak Leong's Bday~
i hope they like the presents we chose for them.we spent a lot of effort finding the right gift.
so we went to watch Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen.
loved it so much. i havent been watching long films for sometime ady.
this movie is just great. loved the CGI things and the sound effect and definitely Shia~ *giggles*
too bad we had not enough time to chat.
and i was so tired during malay tuition. i could've fallen asleep.
i was so damn sleepy when i woke up. i was like walking to the bathroom with my eyes close and brushing my teeth with my eyes close and i just didnt want to see the light.
and i fell asleep during chinese class. you all alr know that i dont like chinese. susann kept nudging me once i fell asleep. i really need to thank her, coz i was scared the teacher will notice me falling asleep.
then it was boring in class.
then when it was Malay class. hueyying and me will always be scibbling on our paper during malay class.
so i wrote Kim Hyun Joong's name on my paper while Hueyying wrote Lee Min Ho on hers.
hueyying, i think you'll notice that i re-wrote the name coz my hand-writing was too small to be able to be seen.
i havent been updating anything for the pass few days. so now i'll tell you the things that happened.
my mum's cars was sent for a thorough service, which will cost a lot.
and her car was supposed to be in the workshop until tmr but she got the car back today, which made me very happy coz we really had some problems with transport without the car around.
i dont really rmb what happened on Monday.
not a very special day.
nothing really happened.
just that i had fun during jazz class.
we did the cart wheel thing that was scary. i'm always so scared of doing it.
our teacher kept saying it's not dangerous, but when i saw the other ppl doing it,it looked so dangerous.
and we did the star jump! that was my favourite.
i love jumping around.
and my legs were aching when i reach home. from my toes to my thighs. it felt so good when i got to lie on my bed and sleep.
Fang Yuan's and Kak Leong's Bday~
i hope they like the presents we chose for them.we spent a lot of effort finding the right gift.
so we went to watch Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen.
loved it so much. i havent been watching long films for sometime ady.
this movie is just great. loved the CGI things and the sound effect and definitely Shia~ *giggles*
too bad we had not enough time to chat.
and i was so tired during malay tuition. i could've fallen asleep.
i was so damn sleepy when i woke up. i was like walking to the bathroom with my eyes close and brushing my teeth with my eyes close and i just didnt want to see the light.
and i fell asleep during chinese class. you all alr know that i dont like chinese. susann kept nudging me once i fell asleep. i really need to thank her, coz i was scared the teacher will notice me falling asleep.
then it was boring in class.
then when it was Malay class. hueyying and me will always be scibbling on our paper during malay class.
so i wrote Kim Hyun Joong's name on my paper while Hueyying wrote Lee Min Ho on hers.
so i had piano class just now.
and now i'm watching We Got Married on youtube.
i love watching Kim Hyun Joong. he's so cute and funny. he's like a child.
tmr will be tiring. coz we have history extra class and at night i'll be going for our Labuan Trip practices. and i dunno whether i'll be going to Saturday co-coriculum. Saturday mornings to me is to sleep in until i wake up naturally.
and now i'm watching We Got Married on youtube.
i love watching Kim Hyun Joong. he's so cute and funny. he's like a child.
tmr will be tiring. coz we have history extra class and at night i'll be going for our Labuan Trip practices. and i dunno whether i'll be going to Saturday co-coriculum. Saturday mornings to me is to sleep in until i wake up naturally.
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