i woke up at 7am today. i only slept for like 4 hours.
so damn tired now. i always feel tired when i go to S'pore.
so HweeSing, Susann, HueyYing and me went to Singapore to see Lee Min Ho.
we went to Orchard 1st, it was a big mistake going there... wasted our time.
but at least we bought somethings at Lucky Plaza.
and there was this totally embarrassing thing that happened to me in ION Orchard.
we were finding Etude House, and it was really hard to find.
i was like looking into every shop that we passed by to see what they have, so when we passed by Converse, i was too focus on the shoes that i knocked into a card board stand.
it was so embarrassing coz the guy that was working in the next store was laughing at me too!
*blush* *blush* i hate myself sometimes for being so clumsy...
then we decided to go straight to Plaza Singapura's Etude House.
HweeSing and HueyYing decided to queue up 1st.
we reached there at 1 something, and the place was alr half full.
all the security guys were shouting and shouting, asking us not to stop and look, just keep moving.
the place was literally too small for such a big star.
it was really small. the whole mall was crowded. they even stop letting ppl go to Etude House's floor.
S and me decided to go walking around. S ended up buying shoes.
i saw loads of things that i liked, but didnt hav enough money. i loved the shoes, the bags, the clothes, just everything. even the food.
then when we were walking half way to Etude House, suddenly everyone was screaming and shouting. the security were shouting and pushing.
we were like,
has he reached yet??? but it's only 3pm! it's he supposed to come at 4???so we went to try to find HueyYing and HweeSing, but they were alr in the crowd, so we decided to start walking and squeezing slowly and find them but we didnt success.
mayb we were near to each other alr but there were just too many ppl.
and we found out that, he was never there.
the shops around Etude House had to close due to the crazy fans pushing and screaming.
and HweeSing was so good in squeezing, she got to the front row!
but in the end, bad news....
they decided to cancel the event.
when we heard it , we were like,
are they serious about this???!!! we came this far, and wasted all our time just to get ourselves all sticky and sweaty??!!we were definitely angry about it.
and Etude House decided to hand out free gifts to the fans for coming, but the queue for the free gift was so long that we couldnt even see the end of it!
and the free gift was just a Lee Min Ho file.
so we decided to go to St. James Power Station, coz that was the next place he'll be going to.
we asked for directions and it was really quite easy to get there. we didnt get lost or anything.
we were so damn lucky at St. James Power Station!
we were running like hell from the place we saw the crowd.
and we got the luckiest place to stand in front of the place.
it was a closed fan meeting, only event winners could go in.
so we stayed outside, but we alr got to see him from outside, not very clearly, but at least we got to see him, better than going home with nothing, right??
i got to see his whole face!
and i got interviewed too~ *laughs*
then when the events finished, we want to see whether he will get into his car from the back door or the front door.
HweeSing and me stayed at the front door, coz we didnt believe the guard that said he was at the back door.
HueyYing and Susann were at the back door, and eventually he came out from the back door, but Hy and S didnt get to see him coz of the crowd.
crazy fans were chasing his car and peeping into the tinted glass just to see him.
coz mayb this will be the only chance of a lifetime to see him.
in the end, we went home at about 6.30pm.
reach home at 9 something. my legs are totally aching now!!!!!
and HweeSing asked me to follow her to K.L tmr to see Lee Min Ho, but my mum didnt want to giv me money to go,so i'm really sry Hs!!!!
i just went onto YouTube and found a few videos about his trip to S'pore.
some fans really chased him all around S'pore! From Changi Airport to his hotel!
i'm just really jealous of them coz they got so close to him! and the videos can see him really clearly. he was smiling all the way, i bat his mouth would be numb by the end of the day.
go to YouTube to see the videos!