Friday, August 31, 2012

Finding yourself

People always say, your teenage years are the years you find yourself and get to know yourself.
When i was younger (14 or 15) when i first saw this quote, i didnt thoroughly understand it, but now, i do.
When I was younger ( and i assume everyone would think the same), I never knew how much I could grow in just the next few years and now looking back... wow. I was a kid that knew nothing back then.
Back then, I was trying to find out who I was. And over the years, i've changed so much and gotten to know so much more about myself and learnt so much about life from the people i meet, the things i do, the music i listen to, the books i read and the movies i watch.
and this is a quote i came across the other day, 
"Everything you do today is important, because what you do today, changes one day of your life." -- (i forgot who it was from hehe)

Everything you do and say, changes your life and the people around you. One wrong word said, may affect another person without you knowing. i understand this so clearly because i've met so many obnoxious people in my life that dont give a damn about other ppl's feelings. and some people who are really nice but dont think before they talk. and some that thinks before they talk but once in a while, a few wrong words slip out from their mouths and i've been affected by the smallest little comment some people made about me and i cant get myself to forget it. And i myself am so scared that i'll be hurting others by the things i say, if i have, then i am really really sorry.

Everyone has their own problems and everyone has gone through different experiences, i myself feel like i've gone through more than others. and i've just learnt so much and grown so much through everything i've gone through. I'm a person that avoids problems, i've never been brave to face them, but everytime i choose to face them, i try my best to get through them asap. and after that, i would realise that it wasnt as bad as i thought i would be. and some events in my life that have affected me the most... one of them was Confirmation camp. I rmb i was so reluctant to go, although i cant say that i've enjoyed or really had fun at it, but i learnt something from it. It was the inner-healing session that had a great impact on me. before the session, they alr said, they knew ppl were gonna cry so they had facilitators around to give you tissue. I knew i wasnt an emotional person but i knew i would cry because others said normally everyone cries during the session but i never imagined i would cry so much, my friend Amanda was so shocked too. I cried so much and cried so hard that at the end of the session, i had like 10 tissues in my hand.
and i never wanted to admit it, or even say it out, but that just proved how broken i was deep inside. 
and that inner-healing session changed me so much. It helped me so much. 

I think i've grew the most when i was 16 and 17 years old, including this year. And in a month's time, i would be 18 alr. i'm not that excited about it though. how fast time passes huh.
Over these few years, i grew so much closer to my family and learnt to appreciate them so much more especially this year since i'm away from home. I wasnt close to them when i was younger, and i'm happy things changed, i changed, i started to open up. Although i still dont talk about a lot of stuff with my family but i know that we're close. When i was younger, i could never understand how my friends could tell their mums everything that happens in their life, because i was never a person to tell my mum anything. We basically only talked during dinner time. But then i grew up, and knew how important communicating with your family was, doesnt matter whether you talk about anything serious but plainly communicating is important.

tbh, before coming to Subang, before leaving home, i never ever thought i would miss home this much. because although i've grown closer to my family, but i never spent a lot of time with them, i spent most of my time alone in my room everyday. but now i realised, by just knowing that they were in the next room was more than enough. Knowing that i wasnt alone. 
I miss my family, my mum the most definitely, but i never call her. The only time i called her was on her bday (which reminds me i should make a blog post about her bday). The reason why i never call, is because i never know what to say. 
And since i started college, i realised that i wont be able to spend much time at home from now onwards. :(
I'll be going home next week and after that week, no more holidays till the year end holidays. and after that will be CNY hols, and after that no more holidays till I graduate.
After i graduate, if everything works out, i would be on a plane to UK in Aug/Sept. And from then onwards, how much time will I be able to spend at home? I fear that thought. I never let my mind near that thought as it freaks me out. And the other day, Hy mentioned having a farewell party for me if i really get to go to UK.
And that freaked me out too, knowing that after i leave, i wont be able to come back often. and that's just really scary. 

Something i learnt about myself too is how i just know ppl. like how i know who are the ppl i want to keep in my life who to stay away from. Some ppl can be close to me, but some, no matter how much we talk, how much we try, we just... stay as friends, some not even friends. And some that i chose to trust and belief could be a friend... just met at the wrong time i guess. I've always known this about myself but i never admitted it because i wasnt so sure of it. But now, i'm sure of it, because some ppl i've met throughout the years just proved it to me, like how some ppl i used to stay away from, and friends would be asking why, as they didnt think he/she was that bad of a person but i just knew. I guess because i'm quite an observant person, every detail of a person tells what kind of a person he/she is and most importantly, everything they say. And it's the details that are important. Like most importantly, people who treat their family well. These are the best people. That doesnt mean you need to be close to your family, all you need to do is to care. I think that's the most important aspect. 

That's all for my rant. I've always wanted to blog about stuff like these but i dunno what stopped me from it, maybe it was just myself. 
As you can see by how long i havent been blogging and i havent been reading any other blogs too, i have been busy living a boring life. 

one more thing, until now, the one thing i cant figure out is why ppl never made fun of me, no one ever makes fun of me. never. or maybe i just dont rmb. maybe in primary school, my friends did. but i dont really rmb.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

the most random of randoms

Since i'm in the mood to blog, better just do it! 
I was just going through some of my files and decided to post some unseen photos. okay, not really unseen, some have been on fb and not taken by me, credit to whosever's photos these are~~~~

 this was.... quite some time ago ady. Heart Rock Carnival where i had brownies and nachos with cheese! yummy~~~~
it was a nice day despite the hot sun!
and my pink water bottle reminded me of my friend Felicia. she said maybe the next time she sees me, i'll still be carrying a water bottle (she says that i always carry a bottle everywhere, but i dont) and i made it specific that it would be a PINK bottle. hehehe

 and this was long ago... Jog For Hope! havent been running a long time, it made me really miss those primary school days where i ran on the field everyday without any worries.

 I love going grocery shopping. but i hate paying and carrying the bags up 4 floors. fml.
and omg CHEESEEEEEEE i'm craving lasagna, spaghetti, macaroni & cheese and pizza. basically, anything with cheese.

 my new fav nail polish! it's from Beauty Credit in the shade Vintage Pink.
i really love the texture, it's easy to apply and my top coat gives it a really nice finishing touch.

 my new favourite shop but i'm too broke to visit it again.

 raspberry jam. my fav. i love all kinds of berries. urgh. i'm hungry.

 chocolate cream with strawberries. looks tasty and are really tasty.

 more food. omg. 

 love music. : )

 my google chrome theme! but i use RockMelt now since chrome hates me.
i'll go find themes for rockmelt.

Gong Cha's winter melon milk tea. i usually love sweet stuff but i didnt love this drink. it was nice but i dont have the urge to get a second cup.
and i wonder if you noticed i purposely took Yoseob in the background. LOL
our now manly Yoseob. >__<

 my nails for beast's comeback, also from Beauty Credit in the shade Midnight Star, so relevant to Beast's comeback. LOL

 a beast dvd i bought at popular the other day just because it was cheap and a week after i bought it, Cube announced they would be releasing beast's limited edition album and i was FML. i shouldnt have bought this. 
but Popular was selling Beast's Welcome to Beast Airlines concert dvd half the price i bought mine online. i wonder what's the difference between the two.
and Best limited edition album is really worth the money as it is full of amazing stuff!

i havent had the chance to watch these though. gonna wait till i get back to JB.
and i hope when i get back, my Midnight Sun album, Midnight Sun Limited Edition album and Beast Meets B2uty dvd would be waiting for me on my table!
this is the only way i can support my oppas as i cant help stream or buy their songs on korean music sites or itunes. i know i seem to be spending a lot of money on them, but like i always say, this is the only thing that makes me proud.
i dont even bother to explain anymore.

oh i also bought my ticket to Big Bang's Alive Tour but now i have doubts on whether to go or not. May try to sell my ticket..... i really want to go, but at the same time, i dread going alone and some more i bought the free standing area.... dont wanna be squished by ppl. and i would be really happy to have more money to buy Beast's other stuff as i still have some stuff on my list that i want to buy for example beast's 1st and 2nd mini album, i have been wanting them forever! but never had the chance to buy them, hope to get them for my bday, but i doubt i'll be able to. and Beast's Complete History Box Set, which i'm not sure whether will be released in Korea, but it's selling in Japan now.

i'll save my money for a new phone, my phone has been giving me lots of problems and i just havent had enough money to change one yet.
i know my mum will be paying for my new phone but i myself want to pay a fraction of it so that i wont feel so guilty for spending my mum's money.

OMGGGGG cant believe it seriously.
I called the organizer the other day and booked the tickets and Hy unnie went to transfer the money the other day~ woohooo~~~ Naeun unnie~ and Hayoung!
and Namjoo and Chorong unnie~~~~~~~ 
omg i dont even want to imagine how i'll react when i see Hayoung. she's freaking 16 years old and looks so mature and BEAUTIFUL~~~~~
I hope they sing their songs~ I'm scared they would only sing a song or two. hope they make it into a mini fan meeting or something~~~ but i doubt Cube will allow that.
my 18th bday is gonna be sooo special, and we'll be able to hi-5 the girls~ *yeeps* and Hy unnie will be there with me ahhhhh~~~~ we'll go crazy over the girls tgt!!!
i'm going to be really thick skin and ask each girl to wish me happy bday! XD

that's all for now. may not be able to blog anymore during the next few weeks. 
wait for me okay? i'll be back when i get back to JB and blogposts of my albums will be up!
sweet dreams everyone. : )

Hunger No More!

I finally have something beside Beast to blog about! *claps*
I finally have a life! TT_____TT that's embarrassing.
Okay, so lets proceed. I attended Famine 30 at Taylor's Lakeside Campus last weekend! and it was an amazing experience.
how many people can actually say that they have gone 30 hours straight without any food?
We only had one small box (what do you called those boxes of drinks? anyways, its those size you drink during CNY) of soy milk throughout the whole 30 hours. We could drink water though but i didnt drink much.
Before we (Yongxuan and I) went to Lakeside, we had McD for breakfast~ made sure we were full before we start starving ourselves. LOL
Next, to Lakeside, registered and waited for the other girls to arrive.
first day's event was just some getting-to-know your team mates, some games and loads of videos of all the unfortunate ppl in the world. and some sharing sessions.
oh and i never thought i would meet anyone from JB at the camp, but i met Tze Yit's brother. not that i know him well or anything but was surprising to see a familiar face.
and when he saw me, he said, "Nigel 妹妹!" and so i replied, "Tze Yit 的哥哥!" LOL at the way we greet each other. but tbh, i really didnt know his name, we only always see each other around school last time.
and LOL, i never used to have any nicknames, but i think that was my one and only nickname. my bro's friends never cared to ask for my name and i never bothered to tell them.
back to the camp, many ppl came to entertain us that night, including MY FM's deejays and a local talent named Wee 陈汉伟, who is a really talented singer which all Malaysian should go support! go like his fb page!
LOL, i'm only promoting him because he's really talented okay...
time for sleep and the we had to sleep on the floor and our bones hurt so much.... I couldnt sleep... I tried really hard to cut out all the noises and chatting and try to sleep but failed. and when i successfully went to sleep, ended up waking up like 5 times within those 5 hours.
the next day on the bus to Stadium Melawati for the countdown concert, i fell asleep straight away because it was the first time i got to sit in a nice comfy seat instead of the hard floor. but seriously, i woke up with my whole body aching. my legs were in the worst state.
at the stadium, we had to sit on the floor AGAIN before going into the stadium and in the stadium sat (on chairs, luckily) for another few hours. you cannot imagine how bad our butt hurt.
we were all dead tired and we all managed to fall asleep despite in the 18000 crowd gathered at the stadium.
i was really hungry and really tired and i swore i would never join the camp again but that was becoz i was in a bad state. but maybe, just maybe, i would consider taking part in it again. and pull more friends to join and donate. I personally donated RM80!!! so proud of myself.
we were suppose to ask friends and family to donate but i didnt... i was pissed at myself at first, i was like, rm80 just gone like that, but now since i know the money has gone into good use, i'm happy.

 i decided to join the camp because these girls were gonna be there~
miss them so much. omg. when will be the next time we meet....

 these precious friends~

once we had the chance to gather tgt, first thing we did was, PHOTOS~
LOL we were all over the place. and laughed so much~
and when Chinyi first saw us, she literally screamed and i was thinking who was the crazy girl screaming. XD

 when we first entered the stadium.

 an hour or two hours passed.... and this was the scene.

 one of the performances.

the performers that day were all really great. i wanted to scream and clap but my limbs just wouldnt move. and mouth didnt want to open itself, that's how tired/ fatigue i was. my energy was fully drained, but when a group of guys went on stage and danced to B.A.P's songs, i suddenly had to strength to scream. LOL

the best kept for last! WANG LEE HOM.
 if we were seated nearer to the stage, i would've taken more quality photos.
i used to love him so much when i was younger, when i was in primary school and was crazy over mandarin songs and stayed up till 2am everyday to watch Entertainment 100%.
but now i have Beast. <3 p="p">

the camera man just refused to film when he facing the camera. or i was the one who kept missing the chance to take photos. 

The countdown took place and we all had buns and soy milk to break fast. the amount of happiness i felt when the bun was in my mouth, but it was a corn flavoured bun and i nearly puked it all out because i hated it. but i was too hungry to complain and just ended stuffing it all down before i could react to it.
the thing i missed the most during that 30 hours was CHOCOLATE.
once i got back to my room, i went straight to my chocolate biscuits. XD
all in all, it was an amazing experience and we really need to appreciate everything we have.
especially as i'm broke this month, everytime i want to buy a snack or bubble tea, i think about those poor people and children and appreciate how lucky i am, i would just force myself to walk home without stopping by any shops. HAHAHAHAHA 
and whenever i'm hungry, i'll tell myself, i could go through 30 hours without food, being hungry for a few hours is nothing compared to it.

and i took this video of Lee Hom singing and it turned out quite well, at least a lot better than my other fancams so it would be a wasted keeping it in my files without sharing!