so here it is, once again.... : )
Dear Dongwoon,
How should i start? It seems like i've mentioned everything i love about you already in tweets and previous blog posts. Or maybe i'm just kinda brain dead now to think about what to say.
Just like always, i need to mention how you and your gorgeous looking face changed my life. Those moments when your photos (those photos look kinda embarrassing now when i look back kekekeke) caught my eyes on Tumblr and i just had to find out who you were. From then onwards, the endless road to being a B2uty commenced...
You were my bias from the beginning, although there are those days where Doojoon is so freaking handsome, or where Yoseob is so lovely (not forgetting how amazing Hyunseung, Junhyung and Kikwang are, i'm just lazy to think of adjectives right now hehe), that I start questioning myself why they didnt end up as my bias because i love them so much too but that's a problem every b2utys face, beast is just filled with bias-stealers (this isnt a word is it? but "thief" isnt the word i'm looking for)! I always wonder "what if" I decided to change my bias on one fine day... but somehow i couldnt imagine that happening. Maybe because i've been biased towards you for the last 3 years or maybe simply because you are my favourite~
Something i just have to mention, since the recent release of Will You Be Alright, i see so many B2utys praising you for how much you have improved (mainly musically) over the years, and it reminded me of how i've always liked your voice since the day i watched Beast perform a cover of Noel's Despite Holding On. Do not ask me how many times i've watched/ listened to that cover of Beast's, because i do not know. I sometimes just put it on replay for the whole day just because i want to hear that one part where you do the backgroud harmony/singing. I always knew you had the potential and in addition of your determination and hard work, you successfully proved to everyone that you are an amazing vocalist. I cant help but to be proud! From having near to no lines in the songs of Beast's first mini album to singing in the chorus of so many of Beast's songs now, you've come a long way. I always thought that it wasnt that you couldnt sing, it's just that you didnt even have the opportunity to let your audience to hear your voice! Now everyone hears your beautiful voice and are impressed by it. You really improved a lot in so many aspects, still lacking in dancing but that's okay, no one is perfect, although i must say, your face is. >___<
Over the years that i've liked kpop, there were so many times that i fell for so many other good-looking male idols. If you look back on my (embarrassing) old blog posts, you'd find that i always blogged about my new favourite idols that managed to catch my attention among the sea of boy group members. You know me, i always go for the good-looking ones, but... I always end up back with Beast and you. because at the end of day, it all comes down to talent and good personalities. and also improvements. there are just too many groups that i fell out of (or less) interest in because they were just boring. but with beast, you guys never fail to surprise fans. just your smile brightens up my day.
Lastly, I wish you the best in your studies! recently, you have been focusing more on your studies and havent been having many schedules and i've been bored not seeing any new updates of you. but i know, i just need to wait a little longer till Beast's comeback and i know it's gonna be worth the wait! Cant wait for you guys to show the whole world how awesome you guys are! humble and down to earth, these are the reasons i stayed by Beast's side for so long. Never stop being humble and i hope that you will get more opportunities to shine~
photo time~!!!
Dongwoon in his first musical as the male lead! Son Frank! kekeke
i always find it amazing how ppl manage to do this.
i just had to.... >___<
blonde woon! fyi, Dongwoon is now back to being a blonde!
how are you korean? I do not understand!
young woonie. and LOL he dyed his hair.
rmb this short MV that Cube said they were gonna release the full version of? i'm still waiting!
this is how he looks in class/uni. can you imagine having a guy that looks like this in your class?!
I thought he was gonna be really low-profile in uni but i dont think that is possible.
i just loveee this photo, i dunno whyyy. it's my current twitter avatar~
that bear head gear just looks so light and fluffy~
so fineeee, be mineeee~ >__<
i actually love this hair colour on dongwoon, it makes him look fairer. not that i dont like him tanned. but it looks nice~
blonde. tucked-in dress shirt. black skinnies. dayummm
i love those days they wore this purple suit for their promotions~ but unfortunately, i lost all the photos of them during that period.....
ugh he just never stops! how many times does he want to kill me?!
yikes i'm kinda late again! I was procrastinating and I was too comfortable watching Youtube videos until i saw the time (10:43pm to be exact) and paused my video and came straight over to blog!
I reminded myself a million times that i shouldnt be late for Dongwoon's bday post but here i am again with my bad habits!
Anyways, as you know, i've been going through my A2 exams for the last few weeks and it has been... torturous. I dunno what exact word can fully describe how i feel about it.
and i havent been blogging much. it just havent been on the top of my priority list... Like how i put watching Youtube videos and clearing my files on top of. sigh....
I've promised myself that i'll blog once exams are over~ i hope i do keep to that promise!
A2 is gonna end soon. just in 3 days time.... it will all be over!!!
see you when i get my freedom back! adios~