these are some pics from our portugeuse dance performence... our performence was on the 2nd of august. the performence was qiut successful. we had fun at the orang asli kampung. and we danced until all of us were so high and we were all very very HAPPY~and if you want to see more of my pics , go to my friendster profile :
this is my dance out-fit. but it's not the full out-fit. maybe i will post the full out-fit's pic another day.
this is me after make-up. i did my own make-up, i look fairer and a bit weird. but i like it better like this.
this is the place that we performed. the damn place was full of mosquitos. i almost had 10 mosquito bites on my legs. it was so itchy...
this is the opposite of the place we performed. isn't it scary? we also saw a cat eating a rat there. it was digusting...
this is me and i think Gibson was behind when i took this picture. this was after the dance and we went to mcdonalds~ we all weared the same youth t-shirt, and when we walked in mcdonalds, almost everybody was looking at us. and somethings very funny and embarrassing happened when we were that time, Denease was very high after playing, and she walk to my table with her bare feet, and my table had no empty seat for her, so she sat down at the table beside us. the people at the table were staring at her. and Nanncy said,"Denease, look who's behind you..." and she looked at the lady sitting behind her and said,"so what?" we all laughed with embarrassment non-stop. and Nanncy, Deborah and me kept gossiping bout the guy that jie-jie Imelda brought along. they kept using a strange expression to look at each other. we kept suspecting that the guy was jie-jie's bf~ LOL
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