bored... tired...
and if u noticed, i purposely took the photo without showing my forehead.
coz i hate the pimple on my forehead!!! *angry*
"Mummy... I dont want to go to school...."
stupid alarm didnt ring. *ishh*
when i woke up, it was alr 6.55am. i was like, can i not go to school...*blur*
but then i thought of poor HueyYing sitting alone in class, so i ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and asked my mum to fetch me to school.
it was amazing that i could get ready in 5 minutes time.
i left the house just in time to reach school without being late.
so i knew what Hy would say when i reached school, so i laughed when i saw her face. *hahaha*
btw, thx for the mentos Hy~
hmm... today science teacher gave us notebooks for getting A.
i wanted to choose the pink one but the shade of pink wasnt nice.
then.... i kept complaining how tired i was...
i'm so forgetful that i need to write down the things i want to rmb.
for example the things i want to blog about.
always when i come to my blog and think of what i want blog about, my mind has a blank image.
it's so damn irritating to forget the things i should rmb.
so 1stly, i heard on the radio the other day, they were talking about the worst actor or actress.
when i heard this topic, the 1st person that popped into my mind was Robbert Pattinson.
and guess what??? most of the listeners that sms in also said that Rob Patz and Kristen Stewert were the worst.
Rob Patz is good looking but when i think about his acting, it's like *......*
he's so stiff. i hated it when he said marry me in New Moon.
other than that, Thaniel and I were watching American Idol the other day, and we were laughing like i dunno what. all the contestants were so damn stupid and i just cant wait for Ellen Degeneres to be on the show!!! i love watching American Idol, i hope i wont miss any of it.
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