woke up and cooked myself a sandwich in the morning. a simple egg and cheese sandwich. *yummy*
my dark circles below my eyes are getting darker everyday.
not getting enough sleep anymore.
when i take photos, i look like i'm so tired, and i'm gonna fall asleep any second.
back to school, Huey Ying, Ruoh Yee, Hul Zi and i decided not to join the choral speaking anymore.
to me, it's due to tiredness and transport prob.
i dont like to trouble other ppl to fetch me back.
so i actually planned to walk home if no one could fetch me home.
then i thought that, it will be too tiring for me.
and Saturday somemore need to go to school until 12.30pm.
weekends are the only time i can get more sleep, so i wasnt ready to sacrifice my beauty sleep to stand until my back hurts.
then today, a cockroah came to visit our class. another scary and disgusting little thing besides the huge spider last time.
and we were so unlucky again, coz the cockroach had to go to our seats there.
the guys at 1st were like saying, eh, look there.
we thought they dropped something and asked us to take for them.
then Ruoh Yee suddenly laughing like crazy walked quickly away.
i was like, what??? what's wrong???
she said, got cockroach!
without a thought, straigt away jump up and run away.
we couldnt even see where it was.
only left the "manly" HulZi sitting there so calmy like there was nothing happening.
then i dunno which malay guy said, there!
i straight away jumped away. i knew everyone was laughing. *angry*
then i caught a glimpse of the cockroach. and jumped again.
then hulzi took a tissue paper and took the thing up and threw it away.
our life-safer again!!!! hahaha. Hul Zi so damn brave. *applause* *standing ovation*
after that, hy and i like still had like hou4 yi2 zheng4.
our hands were shaking, couldnt even write properly.
then went home, ate a huge bowl of mee.
i didnt know it was so much until i started eating.
it makes me scared to rmb that i've ate so much today. it's definitely scary.
then i managed not to take a nap today.
my fav music kept me awake, i even finished most of my homework, which i normally wont manage to do. very proud of myself.
and now i really really want F.T Island's album!!!!!!
i want it right now!!!!
i've been finding online for the cheapest and easiest way to buy.
i know popular got, but i scared dont have the one i want.
and i really want korean version one.
but if can get cheaper one, i'll definitely buy lar.
coz the most important thing i want is their music.
i love their music and definitely HONGKI's voice!!! *squeal* >_<
i found one website, it's a singaporean's blog.
so i think if i cant get it in malaysia then i'll buy from there, coz the postage will be the cheapest.
and if i can go s'pore take from the blogger or ask my bro to go take, then can safe on postage.
i want to go plaza pelangi and check out the price leh.... who can take me???
i dont want go alone. i can take bus but i just dont want to be alone.
i want to go right now!!! i just cant wait ady lar....
i saw that my church friend, the one who went to korea recently and which she is a huge huge kpop fan.
she has so so so many kpop albums!!!!
she has the ones i want too!!! she has F.T Island's Cross and Change and GD's Heartbreaker.
thanks to her, i started knowing all about kpop.
i got a few nice pics she took on her trip in korea.
i'll post them some other time.
for now, i'm goin to my Tumblr!!! love it~ ^..^
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
been really busy

i cant seem to rmb the things i've been doing.
been really busy and tired.
like there is holes in my memory. hate those feeling.
i rmb coming back from school on friday. i wanted to use the com but my bro was using it.
i wanted to go bathe, but another bro was using the toilet.
so i was deciding to sleep straight away. due to the lack of food at home.*urgh*
but before i slept, my uncle came and told me that there were ppl coming to service the air-cond.
so i went to the living room.
and such a coincidence, my mum came back to giv my bro his pocket money.
then she asked me whether want to go out for lunch with her and her colleague.
then i was like, SURE! i was so tired and hungry.
some food would sure energize me.
then we went for malay food. *YES* love it.
then went home, i told myself that i shouldnt waste my time sleeping, i rather go use the com.
but couldnt resist the sleepyness.
slept for two hours, could have slept more, but Nigel had to come kacau me and ask me for my pendrive.
then i heard that his friend was at our house.
so i got up and went to watch Ellen Degeneres show.
then used the com until 8pm only i ate.
saturday... got up at 6.30am.
it was a miracle that Nigel came and woke me up.
actually it cannot be counted as a miracle bcoz he didnt sleep the whole night.
we went to school tgt. i went to check my tumblr before going to school.
then our choral speaking practice was so damn boring and tiring.
went home used the com and went to church.
suprisingly, there were confessions that day.
i was like, omg!!!! i dont want!!!
i was scared to death.
but the priest was good.
i was so nervous and i couldnt rmb one of the prayers so i used my phone to go online to find it.
hahaha. but in the end, didnt need that prayer.
then around 8, we went for dinner.
went home, it was earth hour, but we didnt off all the lights.
coz my mum need to do her work.
and i was using the com. and i realised that i lost all my song files in my file.
i was so damn angry, i didnt do anything to it.
i dunno whether someone touched it and lost it.
*angry* *urgh*
and today... not in a very good mood, so when i listened to my songs i couldnt listen to songs like Bad Woman and After Love or those emo emo songs, it will make me more moody.
and later still need to go for tuition.
gtg to my tumblr now, bb.
Friday, March 26, 2010
class photo
Thursday, March 25, 2010
i'm happy that it rained just now.
love the cold breeze.
and today in school, had a sun tan. haha.
coz of the fire practice thingy.
stood and sat in the sun for more than half an hour.
sweaty and sticky when i reached class.
no mood to do anything after that.
now i'm tired. i didnt take a nap just now. and my uncle didnt cook enough mashed potatoes for lunch. now i'm hungry.
but i need to starve myself for a little bit.
getting heavier every week. u notice i dont use the word fat. doesnt sound that good.
and it makes me feel sad. *sad face*
just now piano at 4pm. dunno why teacher changed my time.
but now better, coz i can watch 100% entertainment and Ellen show.
and i can use the com at the same time.
today my teacher teached me one of my fav jpop song, Utada Hikaru's First Love.
cant wait to finish learning it.
i never tried playing it, i never knew it was that easy.
found a pair of earphones for in my drawer, i kept finding one that i can use on my phone.
but one of them, the sound not that good, too soft.
then the other one, (my ori phone one), i dont like that kind of ear thingy.
then others all my bros one, so couldnt take.
but at last found one, i dunno when i had it or what it was meant to for, so the sound was great, so now finally have one of my own.
i was alr planning to buy a new one ady.
Nigel's Sony's one that he bought from Harris is the best, but it's his.
and a person that i know from church went to Korea recently, and i think she's still there.
she went to the YG building and she saw three stars in the 1st 10 minutes she reached.
so damn lucky lar she...
1st she saw se7en oppa~ she said (on facebook) that he was driving into the building, and they met eye to eye at the door.
omg. so damn epik!
second she saw TaeYang!!!! Big Bang!
he was sitting in the front seat of a car. and she said he looks shorter in real life.
and they had eye contact too! she saw his small eyes.
thridly, she was maknae of 2ne1! Minzy~
she said she shouted Minzy's name and waved at her. and she regretted it coz Minzy was shocked by her. O_O
but it's good right? coz then Minzy will rmb her, the person who shocked her. hahaha.
and i joined the BigBang group on tumblr today.
i had it all wrong, it's not a forum, it's like a forum where everyone can talk and discuss things about BigBang. i saw a lot of the members were from the States.
and the person who created the tribe, ilovekpop, she said it'll be hard to balance between the tribes you join, so better join as little as possible.
i hope i can cope with it.
Bigbang's tribe name, VIPs~
only the ones who registered can be joined, and only they will have the password, for privacy.
love the cold breeze.
and today in school, had a sun tan. haha.
coz of the fire practice thingy.
stood and sat in the sun for more than half an hour.
sweaty and sticky when i reached class.
no mood to do anything after that.
now i'm tired. i didnt take a nap just now. and my uncle didnt cook enough mashed potatoes for lunch. now i'm hungry.
but i need to starve myself for a little bit.
getting heavier every week. u notice i dont use the word fat. doesnt sound that good.
and it makes me feel sad. *sad face*
just now piano at 4pm. dunno why teacher changed my time.
but now better, coz i can watch 100% entertainment and Ellen show.
and i can use the com at the same time.
today my teacher teached me one of my fav jpop song, Utada Hikaru's First Love.
cant wait to finish learning it.
i never tried playing it, i never knew it was that easy.
found a pair of earphones for in my drawer, i kept finding one that i can use on my phone.
but one of them, the sound not that good, too soft.
then the other one, (my ori phone one), i dont like that kind of ear thingy.
then others all my bros one, so couldnt take.
but at last found one, i dunno when i had it or what it was meant to for, so the sound was great, so now finally have one of my own.
i was alr planning to buy a new one ady.
Nigel's Sony's one that he bought from Harris is the best, but it's his.
and a person that i know from church went to Korea recently, and i think she's still there.
she went to the YG building and she saw three stars in the 1st 10 minutes she reached.
so damn lucky lar she...
1st she saw se7en oppa~ she said (on facebook) that he was driving into the building, and they met eye to eye at the door.
omg. so damn epik!
second she saw TaeYang!!!! Big Bang!
he was sitting in the front seat of a car. and she said he looks shorter in real life.
and they had eye contact too! she saw his small eyes.
thridly, she was maknae of 2ne1! Minzy~
she said she shouted Minzy's name and waved at her. and she regretted it coz Minzy was shocked by her. O_O
but it's good right? coz then Minzy will rmb her, the person who shocked her. hahaha.
and i joined the BigBang group on tumblr today.
i had it all wrong, it's not a forum, it's like a forum where everyone can talk and discuss things about BigBang. i saw a lot of the members were from the States.
and the person who created the tribe, ilovekpop, she said it'll be hard to balance between the tribes you join, so better join as little as possible.
i hope i can cope with it.
Bigbang's tribe name, VIPs~
only the ones who registered can be joined, and only they will have the password, for privacy.
Lee Hongki, though he looks creepily like a girl, actually has a marvelous voice. Once you get over his feminine features, you’ll appreciate his baby face that is holding up the blonde hair (depending on the season).”
— Description FTW ☆彡
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
F.T Island

now i'm like stuck in a world of all F.T Island's songs.
i cant go on with my life without hearing Hong Ki's voice.
haha. a little bit too over right?? haha.
and recently i need to stop myself from listening to their songs before i play the piano, or else i cant focus, i'll be thinking of their songs all the time.
Hong Ki's voice is always in my head.
and i saw a comment on youtube just now, and i agree with that person.
those ppl who dont think Hong Ki has a good voice should be shot to death!
i totally agree! you tell me, which korean singer has a husky+amazing voice at such young age????
i love the husky-ness of his voice.he has the charisma to touch ppl.
there's something on my tumblr going on, that is, the person who is ilovekpop is making tribes.
that is like forums for the groups you like.
u just need to tell her your age and email.
then she'll email the info on the tribe.
i joined BigBang, 2NE1 and F.T Island.
cant wait for the tribes to be completed.
for now i think only ELF and Sone (snsd) tribes are done.
i think the next will be Big Bang.
now i'm starting to like more and more of the other F.T Island members.
definitely not as much as i like Hong Ki.
Choi Jong Hun is the guitarist and pianist.
Lee JaeJin is the cutest among them, with his hair and his small eyes.
Song Seung Hyun is the one who took over their ex-member Oh WooBin's place.
and Choi Min Hwan is just so poor thing, coz he's the drummer, so he's always behind the drums, so always cant see him.
the other day was very funny. i told my friend i liked Hong Ki.
then she say he very cute only.
then she said, "wah, why u always fall for the blondes ah? before this was GD, now Hong Ki."
hahahaha. i laughed. i never noticed it.
but i dont like all blondes okay. i only like the talented ones. haha.
i want to show u guys how much F.T Island evolved to the band they are now.
starting from 2007.
Hong Ki was only 17 then. *yikes*
he is so lucky to be blessed with such a superb voice.
that time, Oh Won Bin was still withh them.
i know Hong Ki put too much emotions into one part of the song.
and the rap part was a little out of beat.
and this is their I Hope performance in 2009.
Hong Ki is alr blonde coz this was when he was acting in You're Baeutiful.
and Song Seung Hyun is alr in the band. i think he was added to the band in 2008 or 2007.
i lazy go find 2008 and other videos.
their 2008 song that was popular was After Love and Bad Woman.
neon nanpunyeojaya~ haha.
love those songs.
Monday, March 22, 2010
update from Saturday
i'm gonna update from the things on Saturday.
so i went to church on Saturday without knowing it was the feast day.
(i love feast days!!<3)
so on the way to church, my contact lens suddenly fell out of my eye.
haiz... i thought something went into my eye but in the end it was the lens falling out.
so once i reached church, my sight was like half blind.
i quickly went to the toilet.
saw my friends XinYuan and YiTing. long time never see them ady.
then i wore my contacts and went to find Dominic they all.
then coz it was bi-lingual mass, so the church was full with ppl ady, no place to sit ady.
so we sat outside. i sat with Stephanie. Dominic and Thaniel went to sit with their friends.
so we were talking all about kpop the whole time.
then it was time for the you2 xing2. so i walked with Steph and Dominic they all.
so damn funny lar them... the auntie in front of us keep staring at us, *hmph*, we didnt care about her.
then we took short-cut back to the church and waited for the buffet to begin.
i ate a lot. two servings! haha. so damn hungry, when we ate, it was alr 8+pm ady.
after finish eating, went into the church to chit chat.
then went home at 9pm.
then watched my dvds, i watch Percy Jackson and The Vampire's Assistant.
Percy Jackson will always entertain me, love it~
The Vampire's Assistant was quite boring, not very nice, not something i'll want to watch a second time.
then watched Priviledge on tv. i missed so many episodes but still can catch up.
then i asked Nigel to buy choc for me to eat coz i felt like eating choc.
i wasnt expecting him to really buy it for me or even rmb to buy but then he really bought it for me.
hahaha. was so happy. eating choc before going to bed, something i havent been doing in a while.
been stopping myself from doing such things.
then went to sleep at 2am.
Sunday was boring as ever. hate Sundays now.
so then i wanted to go to sleep at 11.30pm, but as usual, always cant go to sleep early coz not used to the time.
then my air-cond got prob or something, not cold at all.
so f-ing uncomfortable.
only managed to go to sleep at 2am.
only slept for 4 hours.
then got up and listened to my fav songs and it helped a lot.
then today i forgot i had my malay drama thing to stay back.
haiz... mondays are always a not good sign.
so i had no choice, i asked HweeSing whether i can go to her house after school coz she got stayback for chinese class.
so after my practice, at 2.45pm, we walked to mamak stall to have lunch then walked to her house.
chit chat a lot in her room. laughed a lot too.
and i found out LEE Hong Ki, LEE Min Ho and LEE Dong Hae~!!!!!
i thought of it leh!!! haha.
then my mum only managed to come fetch me at 7.30pm.
i was tired, dirty and hungry.
all the feelings i hate.
so now i'm here, using the com, finding my Hong Ki again. haha. addicted ady.
need to try to sleep early today.
so i went to church on Saturday without knowing it was the feast day.
(i love feast days!!<3)
so on the way to church, my contact lens suddenly fell out of my eye.
haiz... i thought something went into my eye but in the end it was the lens falling out.
so once i reached church, my sight was like half blind.
i quickly went to the toilet.
saw my friends XinYuan and YiTing. long time never see them ady.
then i wore my contacts and went to find Dominic they all.
then coz it was bi-lingual mass, so the church was full with ppl ady, no place to sit ady.
so we sat outside. i sat with Stephanie. Dominic and Thaniel went to sit with their friends.
so we were talking all about kpop the whole time.
then it was time for the you2 xing2. so i walked with Steph and Dominic they all.
so damn funny lar them... the auntie in front of us keep staring at us, *hmph*, we didnt care about her.
then we took short-cut back to the church and waited for the buffet to begin.
i ate a lot. two servings! haha. so damn hungry, when we ate, it was alr 8+pm ady.
after finish eating, went into the church to chit chat.
then went home at 9pm.
then watched my dvds, i watch Percy Jackson and The Vampire's Assistant.
Percy Jackson will always entertain me, love it~
The Vampire's Assistant was quite boring, not very nice, not something i'll want to watch a second time.
then watched Priviledge on tv. i missed so many episodes but still can catch up.
then i asked Nigel to buy choc for me to eat coz i felt like eating choc.
i wasnt expecting him to really buy it for me or even rmb to buy but then he really bought it for me.
hahaha. was so happy. eating choc before going to bed, something i havent been doing in a while.
been stopping myself from doing such things.
then went to sleep at 2am.
Sunday was boring as ever. hate Sundays now.
so then i wanted to go to sleep at 11.30pm, but as usual, always cant go to sleep early coz not used to the time.
then my air-cond got prob or something, not cold at all.
so f-ing uncomfortable.
only managed to go to sleep at 2am.
only slept for 4 hours.
then got up and listened to my fav songs and it helped a lot.
then today i forgot i had my malay drama thing to stay back.
haiz... mondays are always a not good sign.
so i had no choice, i asked HweeSing whether i can go to her house after school coz she got stayback for chinese class.
so after my practice, at 2.45pm, we walked to mamak stall to have lunch then walked to her house.
chit chat a lot in her room. laughed a lot too.
and i found out LEE Hong Ki, LEE Min Ho and LEE Dong Hae~!!!!!
i thought of it leh!!! haha.
then my mum only managed to come fetch me at 7.30pm.
i was tired, dirty and hungry.
all the feelings i hate.
so now i'm here, using the com, finding my Hong Ki again. haha. addicted ady.
need to try to sleep early today.
song i'm currently into:
all songs that contain Hong Ki's voice.
especially Bad Woman.
all songs that contain Hong Ki's voice.
especially Bad Woman.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
short post
i'm very lazy.
so i'm just going to update a little.
1stly, i think my house really should have a doorbell.
or else, everyone just comes in as they want.
i think it was thursday night, everyone was asleep ady.
Nigel was out and i was in the living room watching Avatar.
then suddenly i heard someone open the outside door, so i opened the curtains, and Nigel's friends was looking in.
i was frightend by him, coz he was wearing black, and it was so late at night.
so i opened the door for him.
and Nigel should be really thankful to me for knowing all his friends quite well.
and today morning, i woke up late.
coz it was raining, and i didnt know the time.
so i woke up when my mum called me at 1pm.
then i was like, omg, i've been sleeping for so long ady, better wake up.
then once i walked out my room, Nigel's friend walk in.
wearing black again. and the dining wasnt very bright, i wasnt wearing my glasses.
so i nearly screamed out when i saw him.
so here i am now, watching HongKi again.
downloading loads of songs too. and vids.
very short post today.
so i'm just going to update a little.
1stly, i think my house really should have a doorbell.
or else, everyone just comes in as they want.
i think it was thursday night, everyone was asleep ady.
Nigel was out and i was in the living room watching Avatar.
then suddenly i heard someone open the outside door, so i opened the curtains, and Nigel's friends was looking in.
i was frightend by him, coz he was wearing black, and it was so late at night.
so i opened the door for him.
and Nigel should be really thankful to me for knowing all his friends quite well.
and today morning, i woke up late.
coz it was raining, and i didnt know the time.
so i woke up when my mum called me at 1pm.
then i was like, omg, i've been sleeping for so long ady, better wake up.
then once i walked out my room, Nigel's friend walk in.
wearing black again. and the dining wasnt very bright, i wasnt wearing my glasses.
so i nearly screamed out when i saw him.
so here i am now, watching HongKi again.
downloading loads of songs too. and vids.
very short post today.
Friday, March 19, 2010
hong ki again.

i really want to know more about HongKi now.
i not only like his good looks but his voice is just so attractive.
i went to check out more about him and found out that he's been in the business since he was only 6 years old.
and for some time during 2008, he had some prob with his throat, so he needed to rest for sometime.
i think that's why F.T. Island canceled a concert in M'sia in 2008.
he strains his voice everytime he sings, and all their songs are really not easy to sing, no doubt he'll hurt his throat.
he also is the MC of Inkigayo.
and i'm watching him on a show called Scandal on youtube now.
it's about the producers choose a girl (an ordinary person) to be his gf, then they'll need to be bf and gf for one week.
the girl was a noona, she was 2 years older than him.
it was like Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo in We Got Married.
and HongKi likes to date older girls.
but frankly, i really am jealous of that girl, he got to be with HongKi for one week, but she didnt appreciate it, she even said she wasnt a fan of HongKi.
it's so heartbreaking seeing him cry.
they said it's because of his throat prob.
they said, his throat was alr hurting but he still went on to sing.
but some said that he cried coz of the song, he sang from his heart.
you could alr see his eyes were red at the starting.
i wanted to blog about things but too lazy ady.
i'll just say that ytd i was supposed to go support Wendy at CrazyMike.
but i wasnt free, so i felt really sry.
but at least i didnt forget.
so look at what i've been doing the holidays....

i printed out a picture of LeeHongKi that had all different hairstyle and expressions
when he was acting as Jeremy in You're Beautiful/Handsome.
<3 him so so much~

i love my necklace.
Nigel gave it to me.
if you can see clearly, it's a plane, the Eifle Tower and a suitcase.

i'll just say that ytd i was supposed to go support Wendy at CrazyMike.
but i wasnt free, so i felt really sry.
but at least i didnt forget.
so look at what i've been doing the holidays....

when he was acting as Jeremy in You're Beautiful/Handsome.
<3 him so so much~

i love my necklace.
Nigel gave it to me.
if you can see clearly, it's a plane, the Eifle Tower and a suitcase.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hong Ki again.
you need to watch this.
it's so damn funny.
LeeHongKi looks really pretty in this vid. hahahahaha.
i should call him Hong Ki unnie instead of oppa~ >_< hahaha
i really love his voice. love it when he sings.
it's so damn funny.
LeeHongKi looks really pretty in this vid. hahahahaha.
i should call him Hong Ki unnie instead of oppa~ >_< hahaha
i really love his voice. love it when he sings.
all about Lee Hong Ki~
i found almost 300 pictures of Lee Hong Ki ytd.so happy now.
today is to watch videos of him~
he's so damn cute~ aigooo~
love his hair. and when he smiles... *squeal*
hahaha. i'm all crazy over him ady.
i keep replaying the parts where he's cute. cant get enough of him~
i replayed 3:28 that scene for i-dunno-how-many-times ady~
so damn cute lar the two of them.
it was the scene where wang coordi and ma ship zhang nim was imagining, Jeremy and MiNyu being a couple.
hahaha. too cute ady~
Minyu nun Jeremy ru choa hae,chaku chaku choa hanun ma ril hokto kae.
Minyu nun~ aikiyo~ Jeremy ru choa hae. ai~ kiya wa~ *crazy eyes*
i dunno whether i romanized it right or not.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
i'm gonna talk about ytd.
woke up at 8am just to wash my hair and wait for it to dry and get ready to go out.
then HweeSing smsed me and asked me to help her do her blogskin, but i told her i was going out so dont hav time to help her.
then she said she also going to cs. so we said we'll meet there.
my plan was to get up, get ready and go out to the bus stop with Nigel.
but... i tried to wake him up from 9am to 10am and he still dont want to get up.
i alr warned him that he's gonna get scolded, but he didnt want to listen.
then after he get scolded them blame us for it. useless person.
that's what i call him everyday now, "没有用的人"!!!!
so i didnt care about him anymore.
i got my things ready and called my mum to fetch me to the bus stop.
so i waited all alone, but suprisingly, i wasnt scared or anything.
normally, when i do things all alone, i'll be scared.
so, i successfully reached cs.
then i went to MPH.
saw a lot of books that i wanted to buy but didnt bring enough money to buy.
then at 11am, XuJie alr calling me and ask where i was.
then i told him i was going to find a friend 1st before i go meet them.
then half-way, HweeSing said she reached ady, so we met and went to buy my jacket.
the place XuJie they all were waiting was near the place i was buying my jacket.
so i purposely hide from them, but then JingYi came over and ask me where they were.
when i 1st saw JingYi i was like, who is this arh? why keep looking at me? she seems so familiar.
she definitely changed a lot. everybody is with the contacts things now, so hard to recognize ppl without their specs.
then i went with Hs to eat. we talked for a while then at 12nn, i told her that i had to go meet XuJie they all ady, or else they'll scold me when i reach.
they were at StoneGrill.
when i reached, everybody was staring at me.
i just tried to look away.
then i was very hungry so i ordered french fries.
then we waited for a long time.
then they told me i shouldnt have ordered anything coz Neway sure got a lot of things to eat.
i was like, why are u telling me this now? you should hav told me earlier.
then we went to Neway.
as usual, once XuJie gets the mike, he wont let go of it.
ate a lot in Neway, all french fries again. *urgh*
then Amanda felt bored, so i went shopping with her.
i bought a pair of shorts for only RM20!
and Romeo and Juliet from MPH for only RM30.
i've been finding the modern version of it for so long ady.
then went back to Neway, they all were high ady.
so i just sat there looking at them.
then XuJie came and sat beside me and said that if it wasnt for me, he wont know all these songs.
coz last time during primary time, we always write those lyrics out and sing in class.
i was the only one who listened to the radio everyday, so i knew a lot of songs at that time.
i was like, so u should be grateful about it now. haha.
then it was time for the bill.
altgt, RM270!!!!
we all were shocked.
one person RM25 leh!
i was broke ady. so i had to borrow money from Amanda.
and after we all paid, still not enough, less RM75!!!!
i was like, how do you all count oh??? why less so much one???
but the rich ppl got it all sorted out.
then we went out, walked around a bit then i accompany JingYi go busstop.
i was so silly, i totally forgot that one side of CS's bus is to tmn u that side, and the other side to masai.
then i went with JingYi to the tmn u that side coz she wasnt going to that direction.
then i kept walking alone and was thinking why no bus to masai.
then only i realize i was on the wrong side of the busstop. stupid me.
so i needed to walk into cs again. so damn tiring.
luckiy got on the bus at last, then i began to read my book.
but i got tired.
so i just looked out the window.
i couldnt fall asleep coz i was wearing my contacts.
and recently, i always wear my contacts for too long, my eyes are always tired.
my mum came and fetch me at the bus stop and i finally reached home.
home sweet home.
that's all for now.
pictures still havent got from my friends yet.
so i'll upload them another time.
woke up at 8am just to wash my hair and wait for it to dry and get ready to go out.
then HweeSing smsed me and asked me to help her do her blogskin, but i told her i was going out so dont hav time to help her.
then she said she also going to cs. so we said we'll meet there.
my plan was to get up, get ready and go out to the bus stop with Nigel.
but... i tried to wake him up from 9am to 10am and he still dont want to get up.
i alr warned him that he's gonna get scolded, but he didnt want to listen.
then after he get scolded them blame us for it. useless person.
that's what i call him everyday now, "没有用的人"!!!!
so i didnt care about him anymore.
i got my things ready and called my mum to fetch me to the bus stop.
so i waited all alone, but suprisingly, i wasnt scared or anything.
normally, when i do things all alone, i'll be scared.
so, i successfully reached cs.
then i went to MPH.
saw a lot of books that i wanted to buy but didnt bring enough money to buy.
then at 11am, XuJie alr calling me and ask where i was.
then i told him i was going to find a friend 1st before i go meet them.
then half-way, HweeSing said she reached ady, so we met and went to buy my jacket.
the place XuJie they all were waiting was near the place i was buying my jacket.
so i purposely hide from them, but then JingYi came over and ask me where they were.
when i 1st saw JingYi i was like, who is this arh? why keep looking at me? she seems so familiar.
she definitely changed a lot. everybody is with the contacts things now, so hard to recognize ppl without their specs.
then i went with Hs to eat. we talked for a while then at 12nn, i told her that i had to go meet XuJie they all ady, or else they'll scold me when i reach.
they were at StoneGrill.
when i reached, everybody was staring at me.
i just tried to look away.
then i was very hungry so i ordered french fries.
then we waited for a long time.
then they told me i shouldnt have ordered anything coz Neway sure got a lot of things to eat.
i was like, why are u telling me this now? you should hav told me earlier.
then we went to Neway.
as usual, once XuJie gets the mike, he wont let go of it.
ate a lot in Neway, all french fries again. *urgh*
then Amanda felt bored, so i went shopping with her.
i bought a pair of shorts for only RM20!
and Romeo and Juliet from MPH for only RM30.
i've been finding the modern version of it for so long ady.
then went back to Neway, they all were high ady.
so i just sat there looking at them.
then XuJie came and sat beside me and said that if it wasnt for me, he wont know all these songs.
coz last time during primary time, we always write those lyrics out and sing in class.
i was the only one who listened to the radio everyday, so i knew a lot of songs at that time.
i was like, so u should be grateful about it now. haha.
then it was time for the bill.
altgt, RM270!!!!
we all were shocked.
one person RM25 leh!
i was broke ady. so i had to borrow money from Amanda.
and after we all paid, still not enough, less RM75!!!!
i was like, how do you all count oh??? why less so much one???
but the rich ppl got it all sorted out.
then we went out, walked around a bit then i accompany JingYi go busstop.
i was so silly, i totally forgot that one side of CS's bus is to tmn u that side, and the other side to masai.
then i went with JingYi to the tmn u that side coz she wasnt going to that direction.
then i kept walking alone and was thinking why no bus to masai.
then only i realize i was on the wrong side of the busstop. stupid me.
so i needed to walk into cs again. so damn tiring.
luckiy got on the bus at last, then i began to read my book.
but i got tired.
so i just looked out the window.
i couldnt fall asleep coz i was wearing my contacts.
and recently, i always wear my contacts for too long, my eyes are always tired.
my mum came and fetch me at the bus stop and i finally reached home.
home sweet home.
that's all for now.
pictures still havent got from my friends yet.
so i'll upload them another time.
Monday, March 15, 2010
love the holidays
today at 1st Amanda they all asked me to go Pelangi there the Fcube.
then Xujie ask me go CS tmr.
then i was like, what they want now oh?
why do two days one?
then i go Amanda de then XuJie keep saying i dont go out with him.
then i go XuJie then i dunno how to reject Amanda.
coz i alr agree to the both of them.
they dont aspect me to go two days ba?
i no money ah... think i so rich oh.
and go down CS so far, i all alone leh.*sobs*
can someone go with me????
i dont like being alone lar...
i think i will go early and come back early.
or else i always go CS, come back sure jam one.
and they last minute said today's gathering canceled.
i'm sure Xujie not happy with Amanda then Amanda just let him do his thing.
haiz... i dunno what they want to do tmr... i dont feel like going Neway with them.
i just want to chit chat.
and i think WanChee and YongQin they all bu shuang with Xujie then now they dont want to go.
then Weihao got practice or something cannot go. haiz....
must be happy now! it's the holidays!
i wanna go watch The Vampire Diaries ady, to get my head off the things i dont want to think of.

then Xujie ask me go CS tmr.
then i was like, what they want now oh?
why do two days one?
then i go Amanda de then XuJie keep saying i dont go out with him.
then i go XuJie then i dunno how to reject Amanda.
coz i alr agree to the both of them.
they dont aspect me to go two days ba?
i no money ah... think i so rich oh.
and go down CS so far, i all alone leh.*sobs*
can someone go with me????
i dont like being alone lar...
i think i will go early and come back early.
or else i always go CS, come back sure jam one.
and they last minute said today's gathering canceled.
i'm sure Xujie not happy with Amanda then Amanda just let him do his thing.
haiz... i dunno what they want to do tmr... i dont feel like going Neway with them.
i just want to chit chat.
and i think WanChee and YongQin they all bu shuang with Xujie then now they dont want to go.
then Weihao got practice or something cannot go. haiz....
must be happy now! it's the holidays!
i wanna go watch The Vampire Diaries ady, to get my head off the things i dont want to think of.

Vampire Diaries!!!!!
i'm officially addicted to The Vampire Diaries!!!!!
it's like after i watch this, other tv series seem so boring to me.
it's so interesting.
every episode, a new thing to discover.
too bad it isnt fully out yet.
now only until epi 14. there's 22 episodes in season 1.
and they've alr planned to do a 2nd season!!!!
i'm sure i'm gonna buy this dvd!!!!
the romantic scenes are so romantic until you can really feel it.
and the scary scenes can literally creep you out.
in a nutshell, i just LOVE it!!!!
i dl-ed loads of pics, these are some of them~
it's like after i watch this, other tv series seem so boring to me.
it's so interesting.
every episode, a new thing to discover.
too bad it isnt fully out yet.
now only until epi 14. there's 22 episodes in season 1.
and they've alr planned to do a 2nd season!!!!
i'm sure i'm gonna buy this dvd!!!!
the romantic scenes are so romantic until you can really feel it.
and the scary scenes can literally creep you out.
in a nutshell, i just LOVE it!!!!
i dl-ed loads of pics, these are some of them~

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