i cant seem to rmb the things i've been doing.
been really busy and tired.
like there is holes in my memory. hate those feeling.
i rmb coming back from school on friday. i wanted to use the com but my bro was using it.
i wanted to go bathe, but another bro was using the toilet.
so i was deciding to sleep straight away. due to the lack of food at home.*urgh*
but before i slept, my uncle came and told me that there were ppl coming to service the air-cond.
so i went to the living room.
and such a coincidence, my mum came back to giv my bro his pocket money.
then she asked me whether want to go out for lunch with her and her colleague.
then i was like, SURE! i was so tired and hungry.
some food would sure energize me.
then we went for malay food. *YES* love it.
then went home, i told myself that i shouldnt waste my time sleeping, i rather go use the com.
but couldnt resist the sleepyness.
slept for two hours, could have slept more, but Nigel had to come kacau me and ask me for my pendrive.
then i heard that his friend was at our house.
so i got up and went to watch Ellen Degeneres show.
then used the com until 8pm only i ate.
saturday... got up at 6.30am.
it was a miracle that Nigel came and woke me up.
actually it cannot be counted as a miracle bcoz he didnt sleep the whole night.
we went to school tgt. i went to check my tumblr before going to school.
then our choral speaking practice was so damn boring and tiring.
went home used the com and went to church.
suprisingly, there were confessions that day.
i was like, omg!!!! i dont want!!!
i was scared to death.
but the priest was good.
i was so nervous and i couldnt rmb one of the prayers so i used my phone to go online to find it.
hahaha. but in the end, didnt need that prayer.
then around 8, we went for dinner.
went home, it was earth hour, but we didnt off all the lights.
coz my mum need to do her work.
and i was using the com. and i realised that i lost all my song files in my file.
i was so damn angry, i didnt do anything to it.
i dunno whether someone touched it and lost it.
*angry* *urgh*
and today... not in a very good mood, so when i listened to my songs i couldnt listen to songs like Bad Woman and After Love or those emo emo songs, it will make me more moody.
and later still need to go for tuition.
gtg to my tumblr now, bb.
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