i'm lazy to say much.
erm... where should i start?
we went by bus. reached cs just before it started pouring cats and dogs. luckily.
then we walked from ground floor slowing up each floor.
buying all the stuff we wanted.
i walked into each shop selling shoes to find a pair that i liked.
but all that i like was too expensive or didnt have my size. T_T

there was this pair at Padini that i liked so much.
but... smallest size was 7.
my feet are size 5... T_T
i get my small feet from my mum.
i also realized that i get my high cheek bones from my mum too.
so the photo above shows us with our sour feet at the shoe shop.
finally found a pair, not my fav but i like it a lot though.
and once i showed the shoes to my mum,
her reaction was what i expected,
she said, "These are too high, you'll fall in them."
then she wore them and walked around the house. hahaha.
and she pretended to fall and walked like a crippled. rofl.
i also bought my pearl midnight blue nail colour.
and when i reached home only i rmb-ed that i needed to buy a orange-red color that i wanted.
haiz... i was so happy when i found the blue that i forgot my fav color.
other than that, i bought my new earphones.
my old ones are acting weird.
luckily the sound quality of these new ones are good. i'm liking them.
just in time to use them to listen to all my new songs.

it's always my dream to own a pair of my own heels since i was a little girl.
i still rmb that i used to wear my mum's heels all the time lat time.
and these heels make my small feet look smaller.

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