this post was supposed to be up ytd, but mozilla broke down on me due to the overload of photos.
apparently, i forgot to resize the photos... =_=''
I actually have so much i want to blog about but no time... still have so much to study... die lar me...
next week Bio, Chem, and Phy...... T_T fml.
but i just keep telling myself that it's only two more weeks.
and when i get tired or fed up, i keep telling myself to THINK BEAST!
i hope Beast will comeback after our exams... i pray hard that they do.
Cube said they will annouce more details on May 9th.
and Beast will have an Asia fan meeting/asia tour in July~~~~~~~ hope they go to SG!!!
and 2NE1's new single and MV would be released on May 12th~~~~~
although we still have exams but i will still the Blackjack that stays up late just to finish watching their MV, or i'd watch it before i go to school the next morning, coz YG always release MV at midnight.
ome more thing on kpop! Congratz to Jay Park on winning on Music Bank!!!
now everyone can witness the power of Jaywalkerz! I dont count myself as a Jaywalker, but i love Jay Park!
i love that he wore a leatherman jacket with Seattle and AOM printed on it during his Tonight perf!
exams until now are fine, except for stupid Sejarah. SEJARAH, Y U NEED TO BE SO HARD?
okay... i blame myself too... for not studying enough T_T
I think i did okay on the other papers. english was.... easy, except for summary.
i wish i had more time to write the essay, now that i think back, my story ended so suddenly.
next... I wanted to upload these pics weeks ago, but now only have the time.... so... here they are!

but there was more than enough when we reached there for everyone!
btw, until now i havent got the dvd of my confirmation yet.... becoz when i came back from Seattle, it was kinda too late to order it.
so the uncle had to purposely burn one for me, and until now he havent give me yet.
and becoz we know each other, he's giving me it for free!
other ppl need to may RM20+. XD

i think it's my third or fourth year doin the reading for virgil mass.
but this year, many things changed.
firstly, i did the first reading. when i got up to the altar, suprisingly i wasnt nervous at all, i guess i got used to it.
2ndly, we changed the place the readers seat, and there wasnt enough place for 6 readers to seat.
since i was the first reader, i was the last one to sit, and the others only left a small gap for me.
i was seating on half my butt during the whole 3 hour mass.
and the stupid yellow chain thingy that they used to prevent ppl from seating the front row(where we sat), was behind me, so i couldnt sit with my back against the chair. fml.
3rdly, the weather this year was bad bad bad.
it was so f-ing hot! i saw the guy beside me, his sweat kept rolling down his face.
and i was wearing a jacket somemore leh! and i was wearing all black! plus i didnt tie my hair!
and the stupid candle was so small. and wax kept dripping on me.
and the priest was in a bad mood. worst easter mass ever.
dunno whether i will still be able to do the reading next year... i dunno where my future lies...

i wore the dress i got from Forever 21 SEATTLE~~~
*(out of topic, but just got say that my bro's friend just took off his tank top behind me.
although he's close friends but he shouldnt do that. i could see him through the reflection of the window. O_O) but i guess living with two brothers, i have gotten used to it.

we did that last year too.
this year, altgt i think got almost 20ppl? and 8 plates of nans! 2 priests joined us.
Dominic seemed to grow taller again....


i was so excited to watch their wedding ceremony!
i really watched the whole 5 hour show.
you may be thinking why the photo above is related to their wedding...
i saw a huge malaysian when i was watching the ceremony! so i took a pic of it just for proof.
Kate is really beautiful, so damn jealous of her.
and her wedding dress~~~~ designed by Sarah Burton from the Alexander McQueen fashion house~~~~
it was gorgeous~~~~
I guess everyone everyone kinda knew it was gonna be designed by Sarah Burton.
the Alexander McQueen brand is so big all around the world.
too bad that Alexander McQueen himself has died and wasnt able to witnessed such an honour.

it is the thing we wore on our graduation ceremony during primary school~
it just pop out of no where, so i decided to take a photo of it.

I answered a question and got it! I wanted to blog more about it, but seriously no time.
The speaker/lecturer asked a question like "who wore it best",
and i really dont know where i got the courage from to actually raise my hand to answer it.
i didnt even know whether my answer was right.
but i guess my guts leaded me on.
i was so proud of myself :)
btw, i think if i play too much with that stress ball/star, my hands would get muscular.
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