I uploaded a lot of photos. which are actually just a fraction of all the pics i took that day, the others didnt turn out well. T_T
I should've took all fancams...
no time to regret.
So i wont elaborate much.
This amazing day 2.7.2011 started off with me not getting a good sleep, couldnt sleep coz i was too excited!
woke up at 8am just to make sure my hair will be dry and nice before i leave.
like my hairstyle for the special day?
It was my first time trying out a curly hairdo.it turned out okay.
I left the house at 12.30pm, reached permas jusco at 1pm.
Zoe and Nicky then reached. Then we took Jamie's car Singapore~
Zoe gave Yoseob a really cute hand-made teddy bear!
it was really cute! I'm so jealous! I want to be able to sew my own teddy bear too!
and the four of us wore GREY! XD
Then we reached EXPO. but the uncle dropped us at Hall 1.
The Max Pavillion was Hall 10! So we had to run under the hot sun from Hall 1 to the other end of the building.
you cannot imagine how exhausting it was!
By the time we reached The Max Pavillion, we were all sweaty. ewww...
We then lined up at the ticketing counter waiting for it to open.
The merchandises were sold out by the time we reached. T_T
but it was comforting to hear that ppl that started queuing for them since 11am didnt get it.
Cube ppl need to bring more next time!!!
So when we waited, we heard Beast rehearsing in the hall!!!
still got air-cond flowing out from the gaps of the door, that felt nice during the hot weather.
Look at who we saw while we were waiting???!!! JOONKUN~~~
He's Beast's manager btw.
and guess who spotted him first?! ME!!!!
I quickly grabbed my camera and took pics.
then other fans started screaming.
He's such an attention seeker! Like OMG, he was wearing all black, walking in the hot sun and talking on the phone, some more in front of all the b2uties queuing up!
he was standing in the middle of the road and when a car passed, it horned at him!
HAHAHAHA. We lmao at him.
Then Nicky saw that i was all excited and asked me whether i wanted to go take a pic with me, i was hesistant.
but when i almost decided to, a few fans went up to him and he walked away. T_T
regret ttm rn.
Look! Beast's merchandises all sold out!
the scheduler had a lot of unseen pics of Beast! I WANT!!!!
and i want the T-shirt and towel badly too!!!
after we got our tickets, we lined up.
i lined up alone. :( So i took a selca~ :P
the weather was HOT HOT HOT! it seemed hotter than Msia. not kidding.
then finally, we got to get into the hall at 4.30pm.
this is how far i was from stage.
i regret for not running over to Zoe's seat there since they didnt check tickets.
but i had HulZi's binoculars so i had a clear view despite the distance.
but the binoculars was seriously heavy! my hand ached so badly for holding it for so long.
my hand ached for taking a 11+minutes fancam of Beast's encore stage.
but it was all worth it!
This was Beast's 1st Asia Tour Fan Meeting.
i hope they come back sooon~
they said they might bring United Cube Concert to other asian countries too!
but i doubt i'll be able to go. T_T
coz i'm quite sure it will clash with my trial's dates.
after waiting for a while, the show started with the boys singing Special!
I wanted to hear Special live for a long time ady!
it's such a high song~
Then they sang Soom!!!!
the above pic is of Yoseob's long note!!!
I still cant believe i heard him sing, his beautiful, perfect voice.
the voice i love so so so much~
Then they introduced themselves~
Junhyung! sry i took the pic when he closed his eyes...
but he was gorgeous.
The 6 of them were all gorgeous!
they were like angels or statues walking around on stage. They were all so perfect until it felt unreal. Especially Dongwoon!
Dongwoon kept wanting us to chant SON NAM SHIN (son male god)!!!!
I was yelling SON NAM SHIN so loudly that the ppl infront of me turned to stare at me! I didnt care and continued.
Cutie Yoseob introducing himself.
He was sooo adorable when he introduced himself~
Then we celebrated doojoon's birthday by singing the bday song in 4 languages~
Junhyung and Hyunseung kept taking the decorations and wanted to eat them.
sry guys, i know they look cute but they are not edible!
then they sang Shock and Beautiful~
I had fun chanting and singing along to Shock!
i fancamed it too!
I wanted to fancam Beautiful but i wanted to enjoy the song so in the end i didnt.
I witnessed Kiseung's hug!!!! they were so cute, Hyunseung was teasing Kikwang then he pulled him into a hug~ >_<
And i loved that the girl beside me knew all the fanchants, so we yelled tgt~
"biseuteugah jaeil chowa, bisueteugah jaeil mwoejo, saranghaeyo biseuteu, so biseuteu!" my fav part!
Then they stopped for an interview.
the above pic shows Hyunseung saying that Kikwang didnt have a secret anyone didnt know of.
Kikwang the said Junhyung had sexy hips! then he stood up to show his hips >_<
This shows Junhyung saying Yoseob's secret!
he kept repeating,"Yoseobie neun..." while he was thinking of what to say making us laugh at him.
This shows Yoseob waiting for Junhyung to reveal his secret, he was so damn cute! In the end Junhyung said Yoseob has long arms and legs, then Yoseob stretched his long legs!!. |
Yoseob said something about Dongwoon being the visual.
Dongwoon then said that Doojoon dreamt of being a football player i think. I cant rmb. I kept looking at Dongwoon and wasnt focusing. hehehe.
his good looks are too mesmerizing! i couldnt look away.
he is gorgeous! look at his jawline~~~*squeal*
Dongwoon on the big screen again!
too bad Hyunseung didnt appear on the screen much.
Hyunseung's jawline! i was waiting for him to turn so that i can take a pic of his beautiful face...
i think this was when he was talking about Hongdae.
Son nam shin again.
and again.>_<
and again. HAHAHA. the cameraman loves him!
This was when Dongwoon was talking about kimbab and that he used to eat a lot of it during his trainee days because he didnt have much money. awww....
They then started palying games with the fans~
they each had to choose a partner from the Section A fans. |
Junhyung's turn to choose~ |
Junhyung again. I really tried to take photos of Junhyung for Hueyying and Hulzi but was....unsuccessful. didnt take much. |
They played a bowling game and they each had a special mission. Kikwang had to play blindfolded! And he and his partner had so much skinship! fans were screaming like crazy. |
Yoseob held the fan's hand! She was Yoseob's fan some more! Yoseob was so happy he even walked down stage to led her up stage. so damn jealous. just look at his hand! His big hands... T_T Yoseob even used his jacket to cover the fan's legs coz i think she was wearing a skirt. |
Junhyung's turn! he had to make a heart shape with the fan. and the most funniest thing was he didnt want to show his armpit! HAHAHAHAHAHA so you can see his arms held low... |
Junhyung and his partner won in the end!Dongwoon was such a show-off and threw the ball instead of rolling it, he missed at pins. lmao. |
They then sang On Rainy Days, Fiction and You! I fancamed a little of On Rainy Days and the whole of Fiction! Too bad didnt take You... I loved fanchanting to Fiction! Junhyung's "saranghae x5"! and "Fiction Fiction Fiction!" I couldnt believe i could actually yelled so loud. and I screamed so loud when Yoseob raked his hair! I've been waiting for that moment since forever! Then they had their encore stage! The MC kept asking us to shout ENCORE but i seriously had no voice anymore.We chanted WE WANT BEAST! Loved that part so much! They sand Oasis, I Like You The Best and VIU for encore stage! I took a fancam of the last 3 songs and my arm ached for 3 days. |
then it all ended... T_T was so sad to leave. I forgot to say that Junhyung cried! He was so touched by all the supportive fans~ |
Then i went to find Zoe they all and took a photo with the stage~ Zoe was so cute when she said she didnt want to leave. neither did i. some lucky fans got to get a high-5 with Beast while we had to leave. It reminded me of last year when i got to High-5 Beast! Dongwoon almost killed me that day! XD We then went to Burger King for dinner, laughing and talking non-stop. We kept thinking whether Beast was still at the venue and whether we should go find them. |
Zoe and I. sry that the flash was too bright that the photo turned out weird. Zoe has really big eyes and really good skin~ envious ttm~ This was when we were alr in the car otw home. Nicky took so many good photos! I WANT SO BADLY~~ We laughed and talked all the way home. And in such coincedence, four of us had older bros age 20!!! At first Zoe asked me who was picking me up then i also asked her. When i asked how old her bro was, she said 20. then i was like, REALLY? my bro also 20 leh! Then Jamie said she also has a bro 20 years old. lmao. I really had so much fun with them! I've never had a person to talk about Beast in detail before. When i say detail, it's really every detail, every tweet, every performance, every picture. HAHAHAHA. I could see that Zoe really LOVES Yoseob and Nicky really LOVES Kikwang a lot. While me... I LOVE DONGWOON~ Luckily our biases didnt clash.I really cant wait for another chance to meet them again! |
Reached home~ home sweet home~ my hair was messy. |
look what i bought??? The Body Shop perfume i've wanted for so long! Sry unnie~ I had no idea about your plan...hehehehe~ I really love it~ It has a funny story too. The uncle dropped me at one end of Jusco while Nigel was waiting at the other end. and Nigel was pissed at me for being so slow, so i ran. and when i ran, i passed up The Body Shop. then i stopped and thought that since i didnt spend any of my money on Beast's merchandises, i'd like to pamper myself with the money that i took so long to save up. then Nigel called again, i didnt care that he was pissed, i just told him he needed to wait. So i ran(again) to the money changer and ran back to buy the perfume. My hair was all messy and i was breathing heavily when i reached the shop, the sales girl must have been shocked. Once i got in the car, i started babbling about everything! until i coudlnt take my breath. Nigel and Thaniel just laughed at me talking so crazily. :P |
It will be a memory i'll never ever forget.
and i got to meet amazing new friends Zoe, Nicky and Jamie~ :)