We gave the presents we made to the both of them in class today!
too i bad i didnt see how Fangyuan reacted to our rainbow-coloured-cake card...
it's so pretty~~~~~ I love it!
The reaction we got when we gave Kakleong both his Xiao Ding Ling and Bart Simpson card was.... noisy i guess? i dont know how to descirbe. i'm seriously not good with words.
so these are the presents~~~~
i forgot to take a pic of the dvd..........

it looks weird. but we still gave it to him.
no point letting it lie around my room.

and these are the photos i wanted too upload on wednesday!
I just HAVE to have them on my blog!!!!~~~~~
Junhyung <3 Hara~~~~ JunHara!!! so damn cute! >_<

I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously cant wait any longer.
Beast's Msia fanmeet is going on right this second! O_O
And i've watched a few fancams from this morning's arrival. which is making me so so so much more excited!
I just cant believe it! I'm going to see Beast in less than 24 hours!!!!!!!!!
Doojoon. Hyunseung. Junhyung. Yoseob. Kikwang. Dongwoon~~~~~~~~~
>_< !!!!! I've almost got all my stuff ready.
tmr i'll go to Permas Jusco to meet up with Zoe and we'll go tgt.
i hope when we get there, there'll still be some merchandises left. *fingers crossed*
it's gonna be awesome!!!!
Beast will be singing 8 songs i think. I predict Fiction, Bad Girl, Mystery, Shock, Special, Beautiful, Soom and On Rainy Days.
I really want to hear them sing Break Down live although i know it's kinda impossible. :'(
I'm really excited to watch Special live though, it's a total show-starter.
and they'll end it with Beautiful maybe.
I just hope everything goes as plan. and i'll wake up extra early tmr to get ready.
although i'm only leaving the house at noon.
anyhow, wish me good luck~~~~
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