So i had steamboat again... but this time in class! XD
Since trials ended ytd, we wanted to have some fun~ so we planned a steamboat feast! no actually a feast... just rm30 worth of ingredients that were shared between more than 10 ppl.
When we were enjoying the food, they said, other students may be skipping classes when the teacher isnt around, but we cook steamboat. HAHAHAHA
Our steamboat party was successful thanks to Daniel for bringing his pot/cooker (which he specially stated is the same age as him LOL), and Karyap for buying the ingredients and Rouhyee for bringing the soup flavouring. Oh, and all our water.
All the food were delicious~ thx to Rouhyee's delicious soup~ even the mihun taste so nice~
and we apparently forgot to bring forks and spoons and plates. =__=
so the guys went to get utensils from the canteen and luckily i brought cups which was supposedly for soft drinks.
Then after eating and cleaning up, the guys said they had soft drinks from months ago in the cupboard so they brought it out and shared among all of us.
then after pouring in cups, suddenly someone said the principle was coming ( i actually didnt hear it. i just saw everybody panicked), so we quickly put all the cups and monopoly deal cards into our drawers and quickly seat back in our seats and put books on the table. All these stuff happened in seconds.
HAHAHAHAHAHA so damn hilarious. we were lucky that the pot was all cleaned up by then.
but in the end principle didnt come in. =__=
After a few minutes, we continued playing, then suddenly someone said, Mr. Lim (discipline teacher) coming!"
we went into panicked mode again and quickly kept all stuff into the drawers.
He really did come into our class though.
All in all, it was really fun today and definitely an unforgettable day for us.
i'm gonna miss all of this. laughing with all of my friends everyday. playing monopoly deal in class and doing unexpected stuff.
I know i havent been blogging in a while... due to trials. and tumblr.... :P
I really dunno when i'm gonna finish back-reading all my posts.... T_T
Although trials ended but i dont seem as happy as i should be. But i shouldnt be too happy either, in not more than two months it'll be SPM ady... then some stuff ends and other stuff starts.
Next week will be my bday~ I dunno why... but i'm not that excited about it and i kinda dont want it to come.
But i know it'll be a fun-filled day~ Just hope it doesnt rain... although the weather has been so nice these few days~ I love letting the wind blow in my face every morning, it wakes me up and put me in a good mood~
I've been eating a lot the whole day that i want to strangle myself so bad rn. I ate a half packet of ChipsMore cookies. T_T
I have a goal to reach on my bday, but with the stuff and rate i'm eating stuff today, i'm scared i'm going to gain 1kg just in one day! T_T
Some more i bought two packets of Chacho's just now. 1 to bring to school to shares with my unnies~ and another to snack on while i watch dvds tmr.
and i'm doing the reading in church this Saturday... havent been doing it for a long time. I just hope my hair can be neat just for that hour.
I guess that's all for now. I need to continue working hard! although i doubt i will.... T_T
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