it was saturday.
and our molek BEC was going to held the mass for this week.
so everyone had to contribute for the mass.
i as usual does the reading.
i did it with Steph and Dominic.
Dominic did quite well.
i thought he will freak out or something.
good for someone that is only 12.
he looks more mature than he really is.
his characteristic also doesnt show his age.
then the priest's homely was so boring.
then it was time for the mother's to get their flowers.
usually it's carnations but this year is rose. weird.
then everyone went to wish the mothers.
then i chatted with friends.
then all molek BEC families said to go to Sayed for dinner before going for rosary.

dominic followed our car.
we were counting whether my one-minute-change phone background was really one minute.
lame, i know. but we were happy.
then dinner!!!
i was so damn hungry.
they kept saying, "BOOM" when i ordered roti bom.
even the guy that served us played with them. *embarrassed*
and the weird perv indian guy kept smiling at me,
i was scared away, i just kept talking to Dominic.
he even said bye to me before we left. @.@
i had a blast during rosary.
i has been a long time before we've been all tgt having fun.
and Uncle Gerald suprised all the mothers with Secret Recipe cheesecake~
so yummy.

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