my 1st macro.
i have always wanted to do one.
but i couldnt think of anything funny,
and couldnt find a suitable picture.
the above one is about Nigel.
i'm still not in the talking state with him yet.
and now i'm pissed at the effing slow internet connection.
i'm lazy to blog about things that happen recently.
very tired. i only want to look at my Tumblr now.
Dongwoon and Beast's pictures all over my dash~!!!!
i have so have unseen post...
i want to finish seeing them....
but stupid connection so damn slow.
luckily i watched most of the videos i wanted to watch the other day.
Beast Almighty epi 3~!!!!
so damn funny.
the making of their Mystery mv~!!!!
Dongwoon doing fake tears and Yoseob with a wig on.
and Dongwoon ripped the indian costume's pants! hahahaha.
it was so damn funny.
and SNSD and Kara doing the twist-neck move~
love Beast forever~!!!!!!!!
and i've been watching a lot of videos of Beast singing on radio shows.
their voices are all amazing.
especially Yoseob's.
Dongwoon's voice sounds so nice when it's a capella.
love his voice now, but dont get a lot of chances to hear his voice.
cant get enough of Yoseob's voice. and his cute face.
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