02102010. i love the date. that day was a very very busy day for me. non-stop of things to do the whole day.
woke up at 8am to bathe and get ready to go out bowling with Hy, Ry and KarYap and YoongKang(that in the end didnt show up).
i was only able to use the com for less than one hour before we headed out.
it was so much fun~ definitely will go again after the exams.

then just after 5 minutes, my mum called and asked us to quickly get ready
coz aunty Pat was coming to fetch us to the church wedding in town.
so i had no time to rest.

i didnt take any pics of the wedding. it was my mum's friend's son's wedding btw.
but i did have fun with Dominic they all, although i was really tired.
and i've never been to a church wedding bfore.
it was the first time i heard the priest say, " You may kiss the bride."
i only get to see those in movies, now i finally saw it!
then when the wedding ended, Dominic they all said wanted to go catch the bouquet.
but the bride was busy taking pics. and they were all hungry so we left to go eat.
reached home and used the com for less than 30 minutes then my mum said to get ready to go for the wedding dinner.
by the time i got ready, it was 6.30pm ady.
the dinner was nice. too bad i didnt get to seat with Stephanie, i was so bored and tired.
i kept wanting to sleep, but kept reminding myself that i had contacts on.
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