no much difference from the old one if you look at the picture,
only it's bigger and it's more natural (i think).
i still want to find a darker shade of brown! but cant find it the last time.
i was in a hurry to buy it that time.

i now this is random but i just wanted to share how good Lavender's service is!
last Saturday, i didnt go out for dinner with my family coz i wanted to stay home.
to watch Harry Potter on tv. The first movie was my fav! so i wanted to stay home.
and that day was also Beast's 1st Anniversary, so i wanted to go home and trend on twitter.
so i asked my mum to help me buy back dinner.
and when she said she was going to Lavender, the 1st thing i thought of was frenchtoast with banana and choc!
it's delicious by the way!
so when my mum came home, i thought they were going to simply pack it, but it was packed in a nice box just nice for the whole french toast!
the only thing not nice was it's whipcream. i love whipcream but this one wasnt nice.
okay... back to my day.
i know i said i wont post anything on my blog until exam finishes, but i was bored and the com is so slow.
today was Bio test! i have a feeling i would not do so good this time.
i alr tried my best, i tried my best to finish studying all i needed to know.
but i guess i didnt. i totally didnt understand the whole pepsin enzyme thingy. T_T
i was literally going to cry out at one moment coz i only had 30minutes left and my paper was still half empty. at least i did finish the 2nd question.
but it's all over now, cant do anything more. i'm usually not someone that regret on exams.
but this time i'm really scared, coz i usually have confidence in Bio.
i cant really rmb anything of the other exams, or mayb my brain isnt letting me rmb.
i know i wrote a wrong quote in my eng essay. i was too slow in writing so i think i messed up a bit.
but i didnt regret in reading fanfic ytd night! it was one of the best chapters i've read of the whole fanfic. it's about Junseung. my OTP!!!!
i dont want to say what it's about, i know ppl are going to judge, so i wont say anything.
but i can only say that's it's awesome! i was happy ytd, just coz of that.
i stayed up extra late just to finish reading it.
and today i kept thinking about writing my own fanfic.
and i kept thinking until i forgot that i had piano. until my piano teacher called me and said she was outside my house.
i spent too much time in the shower. hahahaa.
so when i went to open the door for her, my hair was still dripping water. >.<
i guess i'll go eat now and hit the books again!
and mayb pplay a bit of my bro's PS3 before i sleep? since tmr not going to school.
i want to dream a sweet dream tonight!
i know i said i wont post anything on my blog until exam finishes, but i was bored and the com is so slow.
today was Bio test! i have a feeling i would not do so good this time.
i alr tried my best, i tried my best to finish studying all i needed to know.
but i guess i didnt. i totally didnt understand the whole pepsin enzyme thingy. T_T
i was literally going to cry out at one moment coz i only had 30minutes left and my paper was still half empty. at least i did finish the 2nd question.
but it's all over now, cant do anything more. i'm usually not someone that regret on exams.
but this time i'm really scared, coz i usually have confidence in Bio.
i cant really rmb anything of the other exams, or mayb my brain isnt letting me rmb.
i know i wrote a wrong quote in my eng essay. i was too slow in writing so i think i messed up a bit.
but i didnt regret in reading fanfic ytd night! it was one of the best chapters i've read of the whole fanfic. it's about Junseung. my OTP!!!!
i dont want to say what it's about, i know ppl are going to judge, so i wont say anything.
but i can only say that's it's awesome! i was happy ytd, just coz of that.
i stayed up extra late just to finish reading it.
and today i kept thinking about writing my own fanfic.
and i kept thinking until i forgot that i had piano. until my piano teacher called me and said she was outside my house.
i spent too much time in the shower. hahahaa.
so when i went to open the door for her, my hair was still dripping water. >.<
i guess i'll go eat now and hit the books again!
and mayb pplay a bit of my bro's PS3 before i sleep? since tmr not going to school.
i want to dream a sweet dream tonight!
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