Tuesday, June 29, 2010
make sure u have a box of tissue beyond ur reach.
trust me, you'll be needing it.
the most touching video i've watch ever!
i know i'm an emotional person but everyone who watched this cried.
so watch it!!!!!!
this made me miss my dad so much...*sobs*
to make u lol, watch this!!!!!!!!!!!
Beast boys confess of watching porn on radio.
hahahaha. this made me laugh so hard when i watched it ytd.
i cant believe i only watched it ytd, i should have known about this vid months ago.
and i love how fast Dongwoon reacted when Hyunseung said he watches a lot.
and Kikwang's face! epic! hahaha.
and Yoseob was like, 'oh no... help!' hahaha.
translations here....
part 1
HS: Dongwoonie watches a lot--
DW: Hyung wait, wait! Wait...I know a few sites. Yeah so I know a few sites, and i showed them to KK hyung. KK hyung watches it. I don't.
KK: Oh!!
male host: but if you know the sites, it means you watch it!!
DW: No--
KK: I'll--I'll clear this up. He informed me of the sites. But, I didn't even tell the rest of the members, but on the other members' laptops, the site history was there! Even if I didn't tell them!
male host: so i guess that means all of BEAST watches.
KK: hey, we're all going down together~
male host: well it's not wrong to watch it (i think he then says smthing about being in a corner but it's mumbly.)
DJ: bc of a man's work...
i know mayb you're not a Beast fan,
but i just want to let everyone know that Beast boys didnt reach stardom easily.
this article made my eyes teary, coz it's so touching.
it's heartbreaking to know how much hardships Beast went through before becoming so successful today.
especially in yoseob's case. read it and you'll know.
source: b2strising
Along with success of 4minute, he had decided to send out a boy group after the girl group. Six members from different experiences and personalities gathered together to make BEAST. BEAST gained popularity beautifully with a strong beastly force. “BEAST members suffered a lot of hardships. These kids basically had the second place rank tied to their tails.”
The leader Yoon Doojoon and Maknae Son Dongwoon had to watch their fellow 2PM and 2AM members who spent their trainee times together at JYP reach success, Jang Hyunseung was eliminated from becoming the final member of Big Bang, Yong Junhyung had been active through the group XING, Yang Yoseob had stayed a trainee for the longest time moving from here and there, and Lee Kikwang was able to debut solo as AJ after long trainee times.
“All of them had sadness and loneliness. I wanted to make these kids first place. Since they all had their own managements and different situations, it wasn’t easy trying to fit these kids into a composition they wanted. Because of their old images from past managements and experiences of failure, these kids didn’t easily come to me and I couldn’t easily approach them. In addition, they couldn’t just come to me because of my trust. However, I gathered the kids together with the rewarding thought of bringing these wounded kids success.”
Honestly, I even declined Junhyung and Yoseob because they were different from what I thought them to be like. However they said to me, 'I have nowhere to go if it isn’t here, I will come back so accept me then', showing how passionate they were. I think BEAST comes to exist today because of the effort and the passion the kids put into stand up from their pain.”
For now, the only way to see BEAST is through the members on variety programs, but the public will be able to see them near the end of July. “With BEAST fans reaching more than 100,000, I’m planning to have a global showcase for a scale of 10,000 fans to match the comeback near the end of July where even fans overseas can participate in. There also is a female solo debut in between as well. Even though the music industry is pushing forward faster comebacks because of the shorter term period, but I think it is important to give the kids a break and also have more time to prepare for the next album.”
Monday, June 28, 2010
The K-Pop 30 Day Challenge :)
Day 22: Your favorite picture of your favorite k-pop group

i saw on fb that they were gonna appear on 8Tv today, 4.30pm.
and i was busy going through Beast pics on tumblr, i nearly forgot to watch it.
luckily didnt miss any of it.
Dongwoon can actually speak chinese quite fluently!!!!!!! i'm so proud!!!
and yoseob always sits with his legs close tgt, that's just super cute.
and 5 big boys (kikwang wasnt there) squeezed into a small room was like so damn funny.
and i'm happy they asked some different question than the usual, what type of girls u like questions.
they asked who liked to eat the most, and Junhyung said Dongwoon, he said he likes to eat snacks and tit-bits, and he doesnt share. hahaha.
and Yoseob danced a short part of Shock for the host to learn.
and Junhyung talked the most, so the camera kept zooming in on him,
and Dongwoon who was sitting beside him, kept squeezing into the frame.
they were all so good looking, like OMFG!!!!!!!!!!
especially Hyunseung and Dongwoon!!!!
and it's their last day in Msia ady... *sobs*
COME BACK AGAIN! dasi dolawa....
this is something i found at B2stRising.
a person's fan account describing how she felt of meeting Beast in KL.
loved that how she described Yoseob. hahaha.
"DooJoon is gorgeous,to quote my friend, he has a GOD GIVEN BODY!!!so fatherly and a very husband material,took great care of fans and stuff,Yoseob is a real life teletubby and hes very petite,Hyunseung is a real life Barbie doll,hes so PREEETTTTYYYY!GiKwang is a real mannequin and i seriously love tht he dyed his hair back to black!and JunHyung is so handsome...and his head looks bigger in real life...kkkk...and Dongwoon!HES SO HOT!!!and he smiled all the time and kept on teasing the fans!he was very playful!"
Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated

she's super talented. she has an amazing voice and her covers of songs are so damn nice.
and she's so cute and beautiful at the same time.
it's hard not to like her.
i cant wait to here more from her.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 21
Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias

and i'm currently back trackking all Beast's photos that i've missed.
i hate missing out on photos.
so now i've no time to find pics of CL.
and i've been looking for this pic for Dara for 15 minutes ady.
i rmb i saved it, but couldnt find it in my file.
then i rmb Hy reblogged it,
so i went to her tumblr to find,
then when i found, i wanted to save but then it said the file alr existed.
i was like, WTH! then i went to find all over again.
when i found it, then i know why i couldnt find it.
it was next to Dongwoon's photos with his bright red hair,
his hair distracted me, so i only saw his photo and didnt see Dara's besides it.
i'm a failure.... hahahahaha.
and now i have to delete Dongwoon's file and redo it all over again,
coz there's hundreds of duplicate i have. *sigh*
and since Yoseob and Hyun Seung is my biases now.
i'll have to open files for them too.
and now since i'm back trackking all their photos, i dunno which i have saved and which i havent.
i rmb saving it, but i'm not sure and when i save it again, the file doesnt say that it alr exist.
i'm feel so confused and tired right now.
i think i'll go to sleep. 2am right now...zzzzzzzzzzz..........
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hi-5 session photos!

coz i needed to alter the size of the t-shirt before going.

a Domo(to put handphone), and a postcard and the collage.
pls dont go reading my letter!

i do like pink, but i had no choice but to use all pink things,
coz i had no wrapping paper and colour paper of other colours.
hahahaha. and i wanted to write Dongwoon's name,
but scared would ruin the present so chose to print.

i know, who camwhores in the bus right? haha.
it wasnt as scary as i thought it would to be all alone during the whole trip.
u can see that we waited from the sky was bright until it was dark.
i guess i didnt know how to function my mum's camera well.
this was the beginning of Shock!

Yoseob looks so small beside the other members,
while Dongwoon looked so tall and gorgeous!
love all of their hair btw.
especially Hyunseung's, i'm in love with his hair!
hairstyles really can change the way you look.

and when they came back, dongwoon and hyunseung were without their jackets.
i'm glad they wore their navy blur suits!
these pics are taken by my phone btw.

i'm so glad that Dongwoon was the last in the line.

they were all resting for a while after Hi-5-ing so many fans.
dongwoon was playing with the posters that were next to him.
and look at Yoseob!
i'm posting this becoz i'm so happy that i managed to capture a picture of him
bending down and putting his head on his hands,
he looked so damn cute!!!!
too bad didnt squeeze hyunseung in the pic.

my hair was all messy from screaming and jumping all around.
i had a full supper too.
it was a great great day.

just as Doojoon said on his twitter,
"good sel-ca(pictures of urself taken by urself) must be taken in bathroom!"
i took it in the bathroom coz i felt like camwhoring but didnt have a place to.

proud to be a B2uty!
same Asia Version Volume one Shock Of The New Era album but
one from Universal Music Singapore,
one from Universal Music Malaysia,
and one from Universal Music Group International!

dongwoon is definitely my ultimate bias.
and now Hyunseung is my third bias.
he mesmerized me at the Hi-5 session,
now i'm totally into him and.... his hair. hahaha.
Beast press conference
When do you feel girls are very sexy?
Doojoon: Wow, this is a very difficult question to answer, ummmm. When girls focus on their work, they look very sexy and beautiful, and I like the girl who has Angelina Jolie’s lips! Haha”
Dong Woon: When girls are wearing boyfriend’s big shirts at home, like a movie.
(And we asked it is only wearing men shirts not anything else, and he was very shy, and kept saying no! no! ^^ )
Jun Hyung: When girls are dancing, they look very sexy.
Yo Seob: when girls have black and long straight hair. It is actually my ideal woman, 이상형!
Ki Gwang: When girls have pretty smile
Hyun Seung: When girls untie their hair, and let go of the hair!
(He must be watching too many Shampoo commercials ^^)
When do you find you are sexy?
Hyun Seung: when I get sweaty after the performance or dance practice.
Ki Gwang: when I take shower after workout, especially from the mirror I feel I am sexy. Haha
Yo Seob: ummmm, for me this is difficult to answer because I have never thought I am sexy. So can you guys please tell me how to become sexy?? ^^ and he added this in English, ‘I WANNA KNOW!’
Jun Hyung: When I breathe very heavily after the performance.
Dong Woon: I haven’t thought or haven’t heard that I am sexy because I am too young, but I do have a feeling that I am kind of sexy when I am drinking water!
(and opps, he grabbed a glass and started drinking water! YES, Dong Woon! You are right! You are really sexy when you drink water!)
(via mybeastyboys)
OMG!!!! i wanna change my answer for the "my favourite kpop interview"!!!
this is my FAVOURITE kpop interview!!!!
Dongwoon and Yoseob's answers are so cute and funny~hahahaha!
this one was taken by me. u can see that i was quite in front. i took it while lining up to go on stage.
and u can hear a few fans in the background saying, "security很肥。拍不到." hahaha.
this was before the Hi-5 session.
the thirty effing lucky fans getting a chance to take a photo with Beast.
i uploaded this just becoz the person zoomed in at Dongwoon at the end.
his gorgeous face is amazing.
this is them singing Beast is the Best at the showcase.
this makes me want to go to their KL showcase.
but i need to stop and not be so greedy.
or else i'll be depressed all over again. i dont want that to happen.
i have the accept that it's seeing them through the com screen from now on.
and will be able to see them on tv on Wed 8.30pm,
but i have tuition, so mayb ask my bro to help me take video. haha. lame.
there are so many more fancams i found.
the use of cameras werent allowed during the showcase, so there isnt many.
Day 20.
Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias

i seriously have too many to choose from.
so i just chose the 1st one i saw in the file.
you'll get to see more of his pics in my blog though.
i was going through my tumblr, and i saw this......

OMFG! is that Dongwoon????
so frigging beautiful!
so i came to edit.
this is just amazing.
his beauty cannot be described in words.
my scream at the Hi-5 session could describe it.
i was so loud that my throat still feels pain now. seriously, i'm not jk.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
a dream come true...
it was a long and tiring day but it was great experience.
i'll start from morning. (this is gonna be LONG)
woke up feeling tired, coz i didnt get to sleep much the night before.
too many things on my mind to worry about.
then it was Sivik and PJK exam that day.
how i wish i didnt need to go to school!
it was so boring. i totally forgot to study about the exams the day before.
i was busy getting ready for meeting Beast.
i was getting ready and wrapping Dongwoon's present,
i gave him a cute Domo to put his phone into.
and i wrote him a postcard. since i missed the chance to send it with the other B2uties.
and i printed a few photos to give him, it was all a last minute thing,
so i was rushing up and down the whole day.
back to my long tiring day....
sivik exam was okay. but pjk was like... hard. apparently, i didnt study much of it.
i feel like i'm gonna fail it. but i wish i wouldnt. *prays hard*
then the school bell rang, i was like, okay, this is it! i need to rush now.
waved goodbye to my unnies~ hahaha. i was so excited.
luckily my van wasnt late. called mummy to come home to fetch me once i reached home.
while waiting for her, i went to bathe and get ready.
my uncle was more nervous for me than i was myself, he was more worried than my mum was.
he kept saying, "other ppl will think that u're crazy, risking so much just to see ur idol."
i know he thinks i'm crazy. but this is what crazy fangirls do when it comes to their biases.
they'll do whatever they can to meet them, it's like a one in a million chance in ur whole life!
then once i was ready, made sure i had everything, then my mum fetched me to the bus stop.
it was raining heavily at that time, so i ran to the bus stop, then i saw Jiong Ming there.
he asked me where i was going and i asked him where he was going.
then got on the bus. i ate my bun.
when my hair was dry, i pinned it and tied it up.
then once reached custom, i walked at the faster speed.
met up with Nigel outside Woodlands checkpoint.
then the 1st question i asked was, "where is my album and ticket?"
then he said, "omg! i forgot to bring out!"
i was like, WTF!!!! i was alr late, and he forgot!!!
he called Kristie to bring it to IMM.
then i reached IMM at 4pm.
then i couldnt go to queue up coz i didnt have my stupid ticket!
when Kristie came, it was alr 4.30pm!
i was so pissed with Nigel. useless person lar. i was so unlucky.
then when i walked to queue, i was like walking a maze like that, the line was so damn long!!!
and i was one of the last alr. then the person beside me was alone too.
her name was Valerie, she was waiting for her cousin to come, her cousin was so late.
at 5pm, the guards led us to Garden Plaza, then there was the stage with Beast pictures as the background.
i stood at the back with Valerie.
i was happy that there wasnt very many ppl.
although we were at the back but we could see the stage clearly.
then Valerie's cousin came at 6.30pm with McD, Valerie asked her to help me buy a burger too.
then the emcee came on to stage and started the event with an auction of a autographed Beast limited edition t-shirt and an autographed Beast poster.
and this crazy fangirl manged to bid for it until almost SGD400!!!
that's like RM1000 here! but all the money went to charity.
so then the emcee started the lucky draw at 7pm.
i wasnt one of the 50 lucky winners to get an autographed poster or one of the 30 lucky winners to get a picture opportunity with Beast. but the guy that sold me the ticket was one of the 50 lucky winners! so damn lucky!
well, that's just my luck.
then Beast came at 7.30pm. everyone was screaming like hell.
i was like screaming my lungs out when they were performing Shock.
they seemed so un-real! like Gods or angels! they were so big on stage and tall. they were all like glowing on stage! super charismatic.
and every B2uty really must experience shouting the chants to Shock at least once in their life.
it was so f-ing awesome shouting "SHOCK" and "SON DONG WOON" and "SARANGHAE" with every fan gathered there.
i didnt managed to get much good pictures, but i'll post the good ones i have tmr, now it's too late.
then Beast said "So Beast!" and greeted everyone and talked with the emcee.
then they took photos with the lucky 30 winners.
then they started the Hi-5 session.
while i was lining up to go up on stage, i stopped at the front to stare at Dongwoon for like 5-10mins. then took a vid while i continued lining up.
then it was my turn to go up on stage!
i gave the present i prepared for Dongwoon to their staff, there was like huge plastic bags full of presents.
then it was it! HyunSeung was the 1st member in the line.
his fluffy, curly hair was so nice, and his face was just beautiful!
the next was Yoseob!
his hair colour looked lighter. but his eyes were too overly make-up-ed.
but his face was like chubby and his smile was so cute!!!
then it was Kikwang! he looked at me in the eyes with his small-overly-make-up-ed eyes.
his smile was so cute too~!!! and he was so fair!
then JunHyung! he smirked at me!!! OMFG!!!! and his red hair was so good looking.
then DooJoon was smiling widely and looking at me while he Hi-5 me.
then the last, DONGWOON!!!!! he was so gorgeous!!!!
his hand was so big! and he Hi-5 me the hardest, my hand felt pain for like 10mins.
and he was looking at me! but i know he was looking at all fans.
but then after i Hi-5-ed him, i said, "DONGWOON, LOVE YOU~!!!"
and i waved both hands at him quickly, and he looked at me and said, "LOVE YOU TOO~!" with his cute korean accent, or his own cute accent! it was amazing!
i was like squealing all the way while walking to the back.
then i found a good spot and stood there staring at Dongwoon.
then the Hi-5 session finished, and i guess they were really tired from Hi-5-ing every fan there.
then the stood in front of the stage and waved to every fan. and made hearts with their hands.
Dongwoon was so tall!!! and Kikwang pointed at a person's camera, and she was so close to me.
then they left, everyone screamed until they were out of sight.
it ended at 8.30pm. then i smsed Nigel, he asked me to take a cab to Orchard road.
the taxi stand was full of ppl, i waited super long for a cab.
reached Orchard, then went for dinner with Nigel, Kristie and their friend Daniel.
i wasnt very hungry, so i ordered spicy corn chips.
i dunno what's wrong with me recently, i dont seem to feel hungry that much.
mayb Beast was enough for me, and all that screaming made me full, hahaha.
hearing their conversations was so funny, i was having a great time.
then we wanted to go to the arcade, but it was full.
so we walked down Orchard and took MRT and a taxi ride back to Kristie's house.
before entering the house, Kristie warned me that her room was super messy.
and when i walked into her room, i was SHOCKED.
it was even more messy than Nigel's room! everything was everywhere.
then i went to take a warm bath after getting wet in the rain.
then used the com until 2am, then we went to sleep.
then i forgot to off my normal alarm that rings at 6am everyday.
when i heard it at 6am, i thought i was dreaming, you know?
i thought i was dreaming i heard Beast's Shock(my alarm ring tone), too much Beast foor a day. so i didnt go and off it.
but then like after some time, it rang again, then only i realized it was my alarm.
went to off it, luckily didnt wake anyone up.
woke up at 11.30am, went to get ready and left her house at 12.30.
reached JB at 1.45pm. got on to the bus at 2pm. reached home 2.30pm.
i was so tired and my legs hurt and my throat was dry and pain. screamed too much and too loudly.
but i was happy that i chose to go for the Hi-5 session instead of the showcase or autograph session.
coz in the Hi-5 session, u get to see them perform and get to have contact with every member and get a free poster.
autograph session only can get an autograph. but maybe the showcase would be nice too.
but i had no money to buy anymore tickets.
that's all for now i think, it's 11.30pm now, gtg to sleep, so damn tired although i slept for 9hours.
will post photos and videos tmr.
btw, did u enjoy this LONG fan account???
good night~
kpop 30 day challenge

and he's a very caring person too. and his smile~
and he sings so well! it would be lovely if he could sing to me everyday~
and look at his big hands in the photos~ hahaha.
love seeing his huge hands, especially compared to his small cute face.
Day 18: A k-pop idol you wish was your younger sibling
there's only a few kpop idols i know that are younger than me,
and i cant think of anyone that i want as my younger sibling,
so... no answer fot this.
Day 19: Your favorite interview of a k-pop idol or group
this is a interview that i watched of Beast during their Bad Girl days.
i loved Dongwoon's shyness and he doing a demo cf...*laughs* it was so funny.
and this is the interview that Hyun seung said that Dongwoon looks chiseled.
that's where i learned the word 'chiseled'.
and Yoseob singing acapella.
i just love it. but i didnt post the full interview.
go on youtube and find the full interview.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
too happy
Monday, June 21, 2010
and omfg, now only i found out that the person selling the ticket is a GUY.
i kept thinking that it was a SHE.
so just now when i found out, i quickly msg-ed Nigel to tell him,"DONT GO FINDING A GIRL!!!"
hahahaha. it's so damn funny.
his name is such like a girl's name, and he didnt put his photo as profile picture.
anyway, my dream is about to come true this wednesday!!!
i will get to see my arab prince, Son Dong Woon~!!!!
i hope i get to see him.
i'm so short and there'll be about 1000 ppl there.
so wish me good luck!
and i'm going after school on wednesday, so i'm sure to reach there late.
they said can start queueing up at 3pm.
but all S'poreans super kiasu, sure 12nn or morning alr waiting there.
but if i didnt need to go to school, i'll be there by morning too.
and the event starts at 7pm, so it will sure finish late.
so my mum asked me not to rush home.
she asked me to stay over at Nigel's gf, Kristie's house for the night.
so that means, not going to school on Thursday.
i dunno how to drop is bombshell to my dearest Unnie!
she'll go crazy when she knows i'm not going to school, and she'll be alone.
i'm seriously sry. but now not sure whether will be staying over yet.
coz Nigel havent replied me about it yet.
so Unnie, so still got hope. hehehehe. XD
i'm just so happy!!!!
no matter how, i also need to squeeze my way to the front of the venue to see Beast.
i have came such a long way. missing every chance of meeting them.
and crying for it too. i cried becoz i thought the chances of reaching my dreams just slipped out of my hands just like that *snap*.
u dont even know how that feels.
only crazy fangirls like me and my Unnie and a lot of other fans will know.
i really hope i wont be too late on Wednesday.
hate that we have lame exams that day.
tmr's maths exams, from the minute i reached home, i've been using the com until now.
havent even touched any books yet.
but i have confidence in my maths, but mayb need to go through a lil' bit later or tmr morning.
and i think i only slept like 2 or 3 hours ytd night.
i totally couldnt get Beast out of my head.
i forced myself to stop thinking and go to sleep.
and these images of Beast wont stop popping out.
and u know what i dreamt of?
i dreamt that i shook hands with every Beast member and took photos with everyone of them!!!
Yoseob was so damn cute in my dreams~!!*squeal* his chubby face was like, OMFG!!!!
and Dongwoon's chiseled face, awww~ *faints* *dies*
everyone on my Tumblr are praising him for his good looks~!
i'm so proud to be a B2uty and a Swooner~!!!
Beast's amazing voices
and the whole group's melody and vocals.
i love this.
and i think this June is the month that i posted most posts ever since i opened this blog.
Day 15: A k-pop song that reminds you of someone you miss
i forgot to do this ytd, i was too occupied with other stuff.
i seriously cant think of a suitable song for this question.
so i have no answer for this one.
mayb some day i will have an answer.
Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)
i dont check out much kpop lyrics translation but among the few that i've seen,
i think i like Beast's Take Care Of My Girlfriend (Say No) the best.
Beast - Take Care Of My Girlfriend (Say No)
A friend of mine asked me today,
If he could go out with you
He told me he could cherish you better than I
Considering now that we are through
That that that that that's ok
Get get get get away
"It's okay I guess since there's not much left from our relationship
Stop apologizing, I'm not that hurt anyways
Just please be a better boyfriend to her"
I couldn't tell him that I still have sleepless nights because of you
Although I'd cheered my friend on and sent him off with a forced smile, oh girl!
Oh can't you see I'm still loving you
My heart's not yet ready to let you go
Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
Say you can't because your heart is still waiting for me, say no!
"She can't drink much, hates the fume of cigarettes,
She hates being alone, so be with her always
And make sure you always...always remember her birthday"
Not even sure why I had told him all this
Knowing in hindsight I would be regretting this but still forced myself to pretend to be cool
Knowing behind my friend's back, I would be upset and be begging him to stop, oh girl!
Oh can't you see I'm still loving you
My heart's not yet ready to let you go
Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
Say you can't because your heart is still waiting for me, say no!
(Say) No No No (Say) You can't (Say) because you're waiting for me to come back
(Say) No No No (Say) You can't (Say) because you're waiting for me to come back
I couldn't tell him that I still have sleepless nights because of you
Although I'd cheered my friend on and sent him off with a forced smile, oh girl!
Oh can't you see I'm still loving you
My heart's not yet ready to let you go
Say no! no! no! no! no! Say no! no! no! no! no!
Say you can't because your heart is still waiting for me, say no!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
i knew it.
i thought i was drop dead unlucky, with everything not going the way i want it.
now i finally got what i want!!!!!!!!
i get to meet BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and all thx to a person called Ying Hui Tan on fb!!!!!!!!!!
i saw a few ppl saying that they were selling their tickets on fb.
i msg-ed every one of them, asking them how much they were selling them.
out of the 5 or 6 ppl a sent msg to, only two replied.
the 1st person said she wanted to sell it for $75!
i was like, is she crazy? i'm not that stupid to be fooled by her.
i asked her to sell cheaper, but she keep saying she bought it from another person at that price.
i was like, is she stupid or what? $75 for one album+ticket?
so i told her that if she doesnt sell it cheaper then i wont buy.
until now, she havent replied me.
btw, she english is so effing bad.
then this Ying Hui person replied me today, said she is selling $35.
i asked whether she can sell $25 or $30.
she said $30. then at that time, my mum was right beside me,
i asked whether she could lend me money to buy the ticket,
she said can!!!!!!!! i was so effing happy. she usually dont lend me money so easily.
she didnt even ask me when i was going to pay her back.
but now the only prob is that i need Nigel to collect it from the girl for me.
but he isnt in Sg now, he's in Bangkok with his gf.
so i msg-ed him ady on fb.
i hope he can reply me asap!
he alr fail for helping me buy the albums from the stores, this time he must help!!
or i'm gonna hate him for life!
i'm gonna check my fb and email every half-an-hour.
OMG!!! my dream is coming true!
i'm so close to it now.
i cant believe it! *squeal*
i hope Nigel can go to IMM with me, coz i'm scared to come back so late at night that day.
*fingers crosed*
now i finally got the mood to study ady.
i'm in such a good mood.
DONGWOONIE~!!! i'm gonna see u soon~!!!!
Day 14
Day 14: A k-pop song that makes you smile
i went through my whole kpop playlist to find a song that makes me smile.
and i think SNSD's Gee is the song that makes me smile.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
i'm depressed
and i was so depressed since then.
coz i know now i alr have the showcase ticket,
but i effing cant go to it.
i havent asked my mum yet actually.
but i alr know the answer.
mayb she'll change her mind.
i'll try asking again.
i was alr tearing in the car on the way home.
i was so sad.
i didnt even have the mood to shop when we went to MNG.
there was a 50% sale on, but i didnt even look at a thing.
my mum tried to make conversation during dinner,
but i didnt say a word.
how i wish i could have someone to go to KL with me,
like that my mum will sure let me go.....
i'm so depressed.
nothing can cheer me up.
i'm sad......
i want to cry myself to sleep...
i want this whole showcase thing to pass quickly,
so that all i can do is regret...
regret is so much better than depressing over everything.
i want this all to be over.
btw, the Beast tee is large.
and i have 770 images of Dongwoon,
and now i'm on tumblr saving more.
Beast spam

when i 1st saw it, i was like WOW.
he looks so cool.
those shades suit him so well.
i think those shades is a presnt from fans.
i saw it on B2stRising.

i cant believe that only today i started putting all his pics into a file.
after i organize it, i'll tell u how many dongwoon pics i have.
u may not be suprised by the number of pics i have.
my whole file is laggy when i open it.
i tried to upload photos to fb, but keep saying connection failed.
but my tumblr is fine.
not perfectly fine actually.
there's always a few pictures not appearing although the page has alr fully loaded.
wth is wrong????
and fb's new upload thing, it doesnt work for me.
it cant find my photos!
my photos are in that file, but when i open it when i wanted to upload, it isnt there anymore.
weird. weird. weird. i seriously worried that the com got virus or something.
and it took me so damn long to upload all those webcam pictures.
i'm so tired right now. i'm tired of waiting.
and Hueyying, can u help me upload the photos to fb?
coz i cant seem to be able to upload them.
pls and thx.
change of subject....
the Speedy ppl called me a few hours ago.
they said the Beast albums just reached and i can go take them when i'm free.
and then they called me for the second time,
at 1st i thought they forgot that they alr called me.
but then he asked what colour of the Beast t-shirt i wanted.
i said i wanted black.
i asked my brothers before about what colour was nicer, white/black?
they both said black.
so i decided black. how i wish i could have two colours.
i'm gonna collect them later at night when my mum is free.
i hope she doesnt suddenly come out and say that she's tired or something.
i want to get it asap!!!
and Beast reached Phillipines ytd!!
loads of new pics on my tumblr dash right now.
Dongwoon looked AMAZING!!!!!
no matter whether when they were at the airport or the showcase.
he looked so stuuning, beautiful and perfect!
i just cant use words to describe his awesomeness.
i couldnt take my eyes off the laptop screen.
he's so gorgeous. i can go on like this forever!!!!!
okay.... in crazy fangirl mode right now.
Kikwang wasnt present. i dunno why.
but his dissapearence made Hyun Seung snobby i think.
from the pictures i saw on tumblr, Hyun seung barely smiled throughout the whole showcase.
i wonder whether kikwang will be around in Singapore.
i cant wait to see them in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and Yoseob's hair looked like a lighter shade of brown during the showcase.
he just looks so much cuter in those photos. i want to pinch his chubby cheeks~!
and a person on tumblr is obsessed with Yoseob's beautiful hands. haahha.
she was so lucky to be able to get Beast's autograph.
and imagine Junhyung smirking at you, OMG!!!
i cant stand them smirking.
and it's funny that Dongwoon doesnt understand her birthday wish.
i want to be her!
Me: *hands the album*
Dongwoon: Kamsahamnida!
Me: *bows*
Me: *watches him sign the album*
Me: *feels Junhyung's sexy stare*
Me: *looks at Junhyung*
Me: *smiles and bows*
Junhyung: *smirks and bows*
Dongwoon: *smiles, hands the album to Junhyung*
Me standing in front Junhyun but facing Dongwoon: Belated happy birthday!
Dongwoon: *leans forward*
Me: Belated happy birthday!
Dongwoon: Ahhh.. Ah?
Me: *laughs, gives up, proceed to Junhyung*