my eyes look big, and face looks small.
and due to the darkness, u cant see the inner light brown circle.

what do u think about them???
i know... you'll say weird at 1st.
i did that too.
i'll explain why, my theory though...
i think the light brown inner circle is a too-light-shade of brown, dont u think so too?
and when i take pictures,
it's like i'm looking at the camera,
but u dunno where i'm looking at the in the photo.
but it looks nice when u cant see the inner light brown circle.
but when i showed it to my mum,
my mum said it was okay, not very weird.
i guess it was bcoz of the insufficient light in the room,
or mayb i wasnt standing facing the light.
but at least i know what kind to buy next time.
and it's really cheap.
so next time still can buy.
fyi, this is my first time buying coloured contacts.
and plus....
i went to preorder the Beast album+ticket+tshirt at jusco today!!!
i cant believe i just gave RM120 away just like that!!!!
and there's only 2000 tickets and tshirt available all over Msia!
and i got one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so so so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i dunno how the tshirt looks like yet.
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