(but then you'll see all the flaws)
i'm not at expert.
this was my first attempt.
i know i'm supposed to post it at 12am.
now's alr 12.45am.
i'm so damn tired.
woke up at 5.45 am this morning for some stupid thing.
i'll explain tmr.
i'm really busy right now, have to finish some work before tmr.
so i think i'll have to stay awake late again today.
the pictures above are the presents i made for dongwoon~!!!
i had to google to find out how to do it,
coz i didnt know a thing about photoshop.
then at 1st, i was really bad at it.
but the second one is nicer right?
it's more organized than the 1st one.
i just finished it at 11.30pm just now.
i'm so happy~ but tired at the same time. i feel like i'm get sick.
but actually i'm alr sick.
kept coughing the whole.
ytd had a flu, but it's much better after i ate some medicine.
i think i should stop. still have loads to do.
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