Day 21: Your favorite picture of your girl k-pop bias

and i'm currently back trackking all Beast's photos that i've missed.
i hate missing out on photos.
so now i've no time to find pics of CL.
and i've been looking for this pic for Dara for 15 minutes ady.
i rmb i saved it, but couldnt find it in my file.
then i rmb Hy reblogged it,
so i went to her tumblr to find,
then when i found, i wanted to save but then it said the file alr existed.
i was like, WTH! then i went to find all over again.
when i found it, then i know why i couldnt find it.
it was next to Dongwoon's photos with his bright red hair,
his hair distracted me, so i only saw his photo and didnt see Dara's besides it.
i'm a failure.... hahahahaha.
and now i have to delete Dongwoon's file and redo it all over again,
coz there's hundreds of duplicate i have. *sigh*
and since Yoseob and Hyun Seung is my biases now.
i'll have to open files for them too.
and now since i'm back trackking all their photos, i dunno which i have saved and which i havent.
i rmb saving it, but i'm not sure and when i save it again, the file doesnt say that it alr exist.
i'm feel so confused and tired right now.
i think i'll go to sleep. 2am right now...zzzzzzzzzzz..........
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