I dont have much to say. Only that i woke up really early (6.30am) to get ready.
i wanted everything to be perfect.
i tried to talk as much as i could that morning so that i would warm up my throat to sing.
went to church for rehearsals at 8am with Anutie Pat, becoz she was Stephanie's godmother.
my mum came later with her kids.
I asked Anutie Vincentia to be my godmother for the day, becoz my real godmother was at Australia that day.
and just before mass started, Auntie Vincentia handed me a jacket and asked me to wear it.
she told me that the priest said i had to wear it.
i was like, wtf???!!! fml.
i spent so much time and effort to find the perfect outfit, and now you want me to wear a jacket over it???
luckily the jacket wasnt really ugly. i didnt have time to look inside a mirror, so i'm not sure whether it looked nice or not.
and the guy behind said, " See lah, too exposed!"
i wanted to punch him in the face. i was alr in a bad mood.
but everything went okay afterthat. I sang well, i think. wasnt really nervous.
after mass, we took photos. but the photos are taken by the photographers, and i havent got the photos from them yet.
hope to get it soon.
these the photos i took and some my mum took.

and my pink bag was a little too bright for the event. but i love it.

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