I got Beast's Lights Go On Again album in the mail last friday~
I didnt expect to reach so fast. when i heard the mailman call my name, i was *squeal*~~~~

and my nail colour is so relevant! pearl midnight blue~

the cd is simple and beautiful~

the cover is white and gold~!!!!

i was so happy when i looked through the photobook.
their style for this album changed so much!
change of subject....
just some random pics.....

i look super fair, dont i???
mayb coz of my bro's room's lighting and flash.
mayb also becoz i just applied a mask.

i had another pet initially.
but it flew off the other day.
it was injured i think, so it was outside my kitchen door.
so we fed it and let it rest.
but before i even could name it, it disappeared....
hope it comes back to visit soon
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