I wanted to update on my SG trip, but havent got the photos from hy yet.
wanted to update on my confirmation but i also havent got the photos from my mum yet.
So since i have the time, i'll post some kpop stuff.
i'll start from 2NE1.
I've been watching 2NE1 Tv but the episodes with subs comes out really late, so i've only watched a few eps.
I liked 2ne1 tv season 1 more actually. there's more fun and laughter.
although in season 2 you get to see their trip to USA and London and you also get to see The Black Eyed Peas.
and you also get to hear their recordings of their American debut album.
and their follow-up song It Hurts has been announced last week.
and the MV is amazing! 2ne1 really never dissapoint their fans.

all kinda black gothic style.
and their hairstyle are the most creative i've seen on idols.
Dara's 'broom' hair. lol

I saw rumours saying that their comeback will be on Nov 17th or 20th.
but nothing is confirmed by YG yet.
i really hope they make their comeback before i leave for my vacation.
i cant wait for them to comeback.
i miss them so so much.
I'm now on their official Youtube channel watching all their music videos.
and it makes me rmb how talented and awesome they are.
and why i love them so so much.
and they came to SG last month, and when i was watching fancams,
i was really sad and pissed that i didnt go and see them.
they rarely go to other countries for concerts except Japan,
and i guess a lot of VIPs must've been there to cheer on them that day.

he has the weirdest styles, but he seems to pull them off everytime.
he composed and wrote most of the songs that are gonna be in their upcoming album i think.
he has worked so hard, so i wished they can let the fans hear his work alr.

You do not know how long it took me to choose one photo of his to upload.
like when did he become so hot???
i started liking him when he smiled at me and the Hi-5 session.
then only i started noticing him more in Beast.
to be frank, i never really knew a lot of the other members except for dongwoon at 1st.
becoz I was trapped in Dongwoon's charms to notice anyone else. hehe.
but now, i'm starting to save so much pictures of Hyunseung.
like non-stop in a row. now i guess hyunseung's folder has more photos than Dongwoon's.
especially after they released Mastermind. Hyunseung changed drastically.
is it his hair or something?
maybe he just gained weight in the right places.
if you want me to described more, you'll definitely think i'm a perv.

he's another guy that became so much hotter after they released Mastermind.
and i'm sure it's due to his hair.
i know i go for their looks.
but I liked Junhyung in the 1st place due to his amazing rapping skills.
when i heard him in Clenching a Tight Fist, i was like, WOW.
he's an amazing guy. with those tattoos and shades of his.

I'm most worried about the visual maknae.
he's always sick. and he makes the fans all scared that one day he'll be too sick to perform.
but he's the cutest of the cute.
his angellic voice and melt anyone.
especially in their 4th album's song 'Beautiful's teaser.
his voice made me know that that song will be an awesome song.

he hasnt changed much from Bad Girl days until now.
still being the same dumbkwang.
i have nth more to say.

he used to be my no.1 bias.
he still is, but he's sharing his place with Hyunseung now.
i can never let him be no.2.
although he really nearly dropped to no.2 when he cut his hair short.
but in this photo above, it was taken a few days ago and he's wearing a wig.
i seriously couldnt live with him having short hair.
and i guess he's wearing a wig becoz of his new hairstyle for the 4th album.
the company mayb just doesnt want to let the fans know their new hairstyles yet.
i bet he dyed his hair.
i can continue on this forever.
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