Monday, December 29, 2014

Not Too Late For Some Christmas Vibes!

Woohoo~ I'm so excited because I finally have time to blog! I have been wanting to blog for so so long but I've been restraining myself from doing so because normally once I start a post, it takes me forever to finish it....
This post was suppose to be up before Christmas so it could welcome Christmas by adding some festive mood to my blog but I couldn't finish it before I left for my aunt's...

There's a lot more stuff and photos I want to blog about but this post will be about my outing with Nia to Winter Wonderland~
Without family around before Christmas, I didn't really feel the Christmas vibes this year (same as last year). I didn't feel festive at all! I only started listening to some Christmas songs on Monday (22nd of Dec) morning while I was getting ready for my day out with Nia.

Anyway... we've been planning to have a fun day out for quite some time because we were just so so sick of being stuck indoors due to all the assignments and presentations and other commitments we had. So I was really excited to be able to go out and have some fun~ I was super hyped about going ice-skating!!! Because I've never been before. I rmb saying I had to go ice-skating at Sunway Pyramid while living in Subang but I just never got around to it and also because I was always broke lol

So on the day of our outing, Nia had a rough morning with her vacuum cleaner breaking down lol so due to that, I had the chance to take my time to get ready while eating my breakfast and listening to Christmas songs~ and a few extra minutes for some selfies kekeke

This was taken on my digital camera~
And if you saw on my instagram post... I really wear this flannel shirt every chance I get to LOL I love it

Leave-less trees have their beauty too

On route to Winter Wonderland~ 

I was really excited about the Christmas market as well because of all the yummy food!
Btw, I was so glad we decided to go at noon coz then we could just take our own sweet time browsing and walking around~ It got more and more crowded later in the afternoon, which was when we decided to leave lol

the huge-ass Christmas tree~!!! 
I would have loved to see it light up at night~

This is when you know you're in Winter Wonderland lol

You know me, I would have loved to go on all the rides there but they were all too overpriced... so I wasn't as excited as I normally would be
But look at that though, it would have been so exhilarating~

Pink teddy bears~ which looked slightly creepy lol

This looked so fun but..... sigh... it's fine. I spent my money on better things

This was the ride I wanted to go on the most!!!
Dont you just love dangling in mid-air~~~ XDDD 

This was the only game we played. We nearly won. SO NEARRR. We nearly won a 2kg Toblerone bar!

I was most excited about all the Christmas lights and decor tbh which are the epitome of Christmas~

huge-ass gnomes

I've always wanted one of these. 

The Queen's geese
From far this tree looked so nice but when we looked closer, it's actually three (or more) trees combined lol

As you can see, it just became more and more crowded

 But then, we found what we were looking for!!!!
Grilled salmon~~~ Can you see those huge pieces of salmon on those wooden planks?

mmmmm it was so gooooood

Nia approves of it! She was the one hunting for it lol Look at how ready she was XD

 This was what I was hunting for. Mini Dutch pancakes with its Nutella topping~~

 my camera focused on the wrong object lol
This wasn't as nice as we expected it to be though. It just looks very yummy.

And we couldnt leave the Christmas market without a sausage.... with lots of cheese~

So happy with our tummy filled with yummy food~

After satisfying all our cravings, we took a long walk to Queensway. 
We wanted to go ice-skating in Winter Wonderland but I think they had some problems with their ice rink so it was closed to the public. So we headed to another ice rink in Queensway where you can skate for how ever long you want~

A small scene of Hyde Park

Nia was like, "Why are you taking photos of the ducks?"
Me: ".... because you don't get to see ducks everyday, do you?"

You might have thought I would be scared to ice-skate as it was my first time, but one thing you might not know about me is that I used to roller-blade while I was a kid so I didn't have much problems breaking into it. I loved it~

 Of course, I fell a few times. There were two very embarrassing falls where I landed right on my butt in front of this bunch of teenagers who went "Owhhh" (quite loudly) when I fell.  
It was an indoor ice rink and it was filled with kids and teenagers which suddenly made me feel really old amongst them LOL.
Those teenagers were a huge group of friends and I was observing them while ice-skating and it made me realise how grown up I was LOL 
Teenagers care too much about how they look and act around people and it was so obvious that they were very aware of how people were looking at them.
I was there plainly for the fun and honestly didnt care if I fell or not. I really just wanted to have fun. 
For the past month or two, I have been so busy with uni and work that I had no time for fun at all so that day was a very precious day for me~ 

We ice-skated for almost 3 hours. And after 2 hours of skating, they smoothed (?) the ice and it was so nice to skate after that~ I genuinely had a great time. 
I loved skating round after round, as fast as I could. Nia had a relatively hard time though. She didn't know how to skate despite it being her fourth time LOL. But she got there in the end~~~ I felt bad because I was not a very good teacher and I didn't know how to teach her the techniques to skate. And she just kept asking me to go have fun and enjoy myself so I just kept skating around and stopping to help her out now and again.
It was a good exercise at the same time though. By the end of those 3 hours, my inner thighs started to feel sore. And I requested that we stop and go home because my left skate was constantly rubbing against my calf and I felt a blister starting to form. lol 
And I was right, when I got back to my room, I checked my legs and there was a (quite) huge patch of skin thoroughly rubbed off and it hurt sooo bad. Plus, because I fell a few times on my knees, there were bruises on both my knees. And I normally don't bruise very easily. So you can imagine how hard I fell on the ice. LOL Plus my lower back hurt a lot because of those few times I fell on my butt.
But it was all worth it! And I can't wait till the next time we go ice-skating again. Nia said we definitely will need to go back there for bowling next time (with more friends)!!! And you guys know how much I love bowling~~~ 

 There was an Oriental Supermarket opposite the ice-rink, so being the typical Asians we are, we decided to pop in and have a look. We both said there wasn't anything we needed to buy before going in but ended up with a bag each when we left the shop XDDD

 And look who we spotted in the shop! Of course, I had to take a photo.

 And they sold my fave curry paste!!!!! I had to take a photo for my mum to see coz this was the curry paste I asked Ben to bring me last time lol

 And if you've been reading my blog for a long time, you might rmb me mentioning a favourite Thai dessert of mine that I always order when I go have Thai food with my family -- Red Ruby!
This is it! This is an instant one though. I hope it'll taste good....

And look at what I found~~~ omg that asian supermarket is the best!
They sold tempeh! But I've tried it alr and it doesn't taste as good as the ones back home. :((
I love tempeh so so much and I miss it so so much..... 
I'm guessing because they sell it frozen, that's why it doesn't taste that nice.  
It needs to be fresh to taste good.

While on the tube back, I suddenly rmb-ed I had to buy a present for Uncle Peter because I was going over to his house for Christmas. So I left Nia on the tube and got off at Oxford Circus to go fight with all the other Christmas shoppers. 
And to see the pretty Christmas lights! 

I only had the patience to go into John Lewis to buy the stuff I had in mind and got out as quickly as I could and went to Liberty's to check out what chocolates they had but nothing really caught my eye in there. I went to Liberty's also to look at their window displays~

I didnt take photos of their windows but took a photo of their flowers. And their staff had to walk out just as I was taking the photo. 

Then I continued walking towards Carnaby Street to see their Christmas decor~
How cool are their lights~

This light bulb decor is probably my fave!

You would have thought that I would be exhausted after 3 hours of ice-skating but I just really enjoy window shopping and walking around London at night (despite the crowd). 
But I headed back at around 9pm. 
It was really cold by then.

And look at what I bought from John Lewis~~~
A bright pink fleece blanket!!! It's so soft and snuggly and I love it. 
Joon Tian will be coming over to my room to stay one night on the 4th and I had to go buy an extra blanket because I dont have one in my room. I just hope this will be warm enough. 
But now I'm currently loving wrapping this around me while I'm in my room~

Okay, that's all for now.
A post about my Christmas will hopefully we up soon~ with some photos taken during the month of December.
